[StBernard] Permit Issue

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sat Mar 31 18:52:32 EDT 2007

To All:

As far as the building permit issue goes- anyone who has a permit filed
already is not in any danger- FEMA wants to see a building permit in every
file so we are trying to comply, but it does not mean that anyone in their
home or who filed a permit over the last year and acted on it will be in any
type of jeopardy. If residents who have previously filed an electrical,
gas, plumbing, or katrina permit are willing to file a building permit
(which is available on line now as well) it serves to assist in the FEMA
audit process. The deadline on these issues are related to the ABFE
adoption- the vote takes place on April 3 but the implementation (date is
goes into effect) is 60 days after the April 3 passage. If you already have
one of the other permits that were required, you technically have met the
requirements, but we conitinue to fight FEMA on their interpretation of how
our ordinance process does not require a building permit for non-structural
construction work (cosmetic). So to keep FEMA cooperative, we started
issuing a "building" permit for anyone who is just now getting a permit or
who is renewing a permit that was filed but needs to be renewed because they
did not start on the work under the filed permit- such as the will call
electrical permits that were good for six months and then needed to be
renewed if the work hadn't started.

Hope this helps- on behalf of whoever helped to create the misinformation,
sorry about the confusion that was created. Seems the information was given
out wrong and it spread very quickly.

God Bless,

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