[StBernard] Baker questions LSU about proposed hospital site

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Apr 5 21:19:40 EDT 2007

Baker questions LSU about proposed hospital site

BATON ROUGE – U.S. Rep. Richard Baker, R-Baton Rouge, a member of the House committee on Veterans Affairs, wrote to LSU yesterday with questions regarding the proposed site for an LSU-VA medical complex, in light of certain information that has come to his attention about the need to acquire upwards of 190 private properties to secure the site.

“My overriding priority is to move as expeditiously as possible to provide medical care to Louisiana’s veterans,” Baker said upon releasing the letter. “I am concerned about a plan that would appear to entail unnecessary extra cost, delay, and the displacement of so many private property owners in a city where widespread displacement is still a painful memory, and one desperately in need of more residential housing, not less."

The text of the letter appears below.

April 4, 2007

Mr. Donald Smithburg
Executive Vice President/Chief Executive Officer
LSU Health Care Services Division
8550 United Plaza Blvd
4th Floor
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Dear Mr. Smithburg:

First, let me thank you for your continued leadership at the Louisiana State University Health Care Services Division. I commend you for your service to the state as well as LSU.

I write today on behalf of the veterans of Louisiana. Let me be clear that I am not opposed to collaboration between LSU and the Veterans Administration. To the contrary, I fully expect LSU and Tulane to continue their partnerships with the VA with regard to medical education, training, and research.

However, it has been brought to my attention that there are approximately 190 private property owners whose private land is included within the proposed LSU-VA medical complex site. Further, it is my understanding that neither the State of Louisiana nor LSU has made firm arrangements to gain clear title of this land.

I respectfully ask you to consider the points below and provide me with clarification as soon as possible.

· When will LSU present its formal business plan for the proposed collaborative?
· How does the State plan to acquire clear title to the private properties included within the proposed area?
· If there are delays in title clearance, how will LSU proceed?
· If there are those who refuse to sell or relocate, do you plan to expropriate the property?
· Since the initial $74 million approved for the collaborative is anticipated to be funded through CDBG, will duplication of benefits requirements apply, thereby minimizing the value paid to the homeowner?

Again, I appreciate your consideration of these questions, and I look forward to your timely response.

Richard H. Baker
Member of Congress


For more news about Congressman Baker, please visit

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