[StBernard] Washington Report from Rep. Richard H. Baker

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Apr 20 22:30:33 EDT 2007

April 20, 2007

Thank you for signing up for Congressman Baker’s newsletter. Below are issue updates that you may find interesting. As always, please visit his website at http://www.baker.house.gov <http://www.baker.house.gov/> for the most up-to-date news and information on what Congressman Baker is working on in the Sixth Congressional District of Louisiana.

House of Representatives Passes SBA Disaster Lending Reform

On Thursday the House of Representatives acted to bring relief to Gulf Coast small businesses that are still struggling to rebuild and to ensure that the SBA is equipped to handle future disasters by passing H.R. 1361, the "RECOVER Act of 2007." Congressman Baker worked closely with House Small Business Committee Chairwoman Velázquez to specifically address the needs of Gulf Coast hurricane victims.

Small business owners have identified numerous ongoing problems in the disaster loan program. The legislation ensures that SBA has a plan for large scale disasters, and requires the agency to submit an annual report to Congress on the program’s performance for the previous year. Provisions also require SBA to undergo yearly disaster simulations and to maintain a corps of reserve staff. To help address the confusion that existed following Katrina, H.R. 1361 also mandates further coordination with FEMA and allows private lenders to make disaster loans in time of increased demand.

The RECOVER Act also allows the SBA to resolve conflicts with state grant programs, such as Louisiana’s Road Home program. Rep. Baker said: "I commend Chairwoman Velázquez for consulting so closely with me and other members from Louisiana and the Gulf Coast to enact reforms that both speed up post-disaster business assistance and make sure, in Louisiana's case, that recipients of that assistance have the resources they need to rebuild and the flexibility to decide for themselves how to repay it."

The RECOVER Act now goes to the Senate for consideration. To learn more about this legislation click here <http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d110:h.r.01361> .

Congressman Baker Lauds Accomplishments of Baton Rouge Physician Dr. Randall Brown

Representative Baker recently met with Dr. Randall L. Brown and his family of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, while Dr. Brown was in Washington to receive the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) "Allied Professional Award" for 2007, as part of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.

The DOJ honored Dr. Brown for his selfless dedication to the care of victims of sexual assault, both in our community and across the nation. Dr. Brown, who serves as the medical director for the Baton Rouge Rape Crisis Center, has examined over 1,000 sexual assault victims in his career, has published numerous articles in national medical journals on the appropriate care of victims of sexual assault, and has trained numerous medical personnel on the proper techniques of forensic evidence collection. Furthermore, Dr. Brown is the only gynecologist in the United States who has been elected to membership in the American Academy of Forensic Services, as well as the only Obstetrician/Gynecologist in the nation who has been trained as a forensic odontologist.

Congressman Baker is Pleased by Supreme Court’s Ruling Upholding Partial Birth Abortion Ban

Representative Baker is extremely pleased by the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that upholds the nationwide ban on Partial Birth Abortion. The 5-4 ruling said the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act that Congress passed and President Bush signed into law in 2003 does not violate a woman's constitutional right to an abortion. Congressman Baker was an original cosponsor of this legislation and vigorously supported its passage in the House of Representatives.

"I applaud this decision, which puts an end to a horrible and unnecessary procedure that takes life and diminishes all life, and a decision which represents proper restraint by the court to allow the will of the vast majority people on this issue to be exercised by the elected leaders who represent them."

Representative Baker Cosponsors Legislation to Make the Adoption Tax Credit Permanent

According to a 2005 adoption cost survey by Adoptive Families, the average cost of adoption was between $20,000 and $25,000. Middle-income families who cannot have their own children are watching their dreams of parenting quickly fade. While some aid is available, the financial strain adoptive families undergo cannot be overstated.

The current law (enacted in the 107th Congress, H.R. 1836, PL 107-16) granting adoptive parents a $10,000 child adoption tax credit will sunset in 2010. Congressman Baker recently cosponsored legislation that would provide a tax credit up to $10,000 for qualified expenses relating to domestic and international adoptions. In addition, an employer may offer up to $10,000 in qualified adoption expenses that will be excluded from income. Costs that may be covered include attorney’s fees, reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs, traveling costs, and other costs directly relating to the legal adoption of an eligible child. Eligible children are those under the age of 18 that are physically and mentally incapable of caring for themselves.

Prepare Now for 2007 Hurricane Season

The 2007 hurricane season starts in six weeks, and forecasters say this hurricane season could be nearly as destructive as 2005, the worst on record. FEMA Administrator Paulison recently spoke at the Hurricane Conference in New Orleans. To read his advisory statement click here. <http://www.baker.house.gov/html/content.cfm?id=645>

The FEMA publication Are You Ready? offers free assistance in planning and preparing for hurricane season, which runs from June 1 through November 30. The 200-page guide to disaster preparedness can be used as a reference source or as a step-by-step manual on how to get informed about local emergency plans, how to identify local hazards, and how to develop an emergency communication plan and build a disaster supplies kit. Other topics include evacuation, emergency public shelters, and protecting people with disabilities. To download Are You Ready?, log on to www.fema.gov/areyouready/ <http://www.fema.gov/areyouready/> . For large quantities, organizations may reprint the publication. To order a single hard copy, call FEMA toll-free at 1-800-480-2520.

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