[StBernard] Nancy Pelosi: Un-American quotes

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue May 29 01:28:16 EDT 2007


You misunderstand me. Me saying you are a liberal was not meant as an
insult. There is room in this country for both points of views. In fact, I

think different views are important. I am not homophobic, I have many gay
friends and so do my kids. I'm not for keeping children hungry and
uneducated. My son is in college in a liberal arts program and volunteers
at a homeless shelter as well as a public mental health clinic. He did not
get his outlook on life from thin air. My father in law, before his death,
was a deacon in the catholic church and we all were volunteers at Osanam Inn

before the hurricane. Although I may have some conservative views, I'm not
the hard*ss you seem to think. Also, I did not mean YOU were telling me how

to live or what to do. I was referring to Al Gore. I do not want the
government having control over me. As far a Dick Chenny and Bill Clinton,
I don't care what they do in their private lives or what their children do.

I don't think Clinton should have lied under oath about what he did, but I
do think his private life is his business. I am not passing judgement on
any of them so I don't know where all that is coming from. I don't vote by
a strict republican ticket, but for who I think is the best person, that
happens to usually be a republican. I don't understand why you think I
don't worry about world problems, hunger, genecide, peace. I do worry about

all human beings and I think everyone is valuable and important and unique.

I am for our troops in Iraq, my nephew who is only 23 is on his second tour
there and has seen much death and distruction in his young life. I want us
to win this war and I do think it is important for our future in America,
Iraq, and the world. I am not for keeping people down and the rich getting
richer. I just happen to think that opportunity is there for most people in

America who want to take it.


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