[StBernard] Jindal Info

Westley Annis westley at devacaps.com
Sat Aug 11 22:09:28 EDT 2007

Yeah, and we'll have to do something with those majority of liberals

There's an old saying: Change the world "for da better" and it could be
ruined for the duration ;)

Besides, at which point in political history has there NOT been "dirty
tricks in Washington?" Here's what happens: this fine state of ours has been
abused and "down in da mouth" even before Katrina finished it off. Because
of the Civil War, LA was faced with its aftermath and hasn't been the pride
and joy since. LA was raped so many times by carpetbaggers and the north
(almost with government approval then) that it has never regained its
strength and glory. At this point in time, I surmise it never will get off
its knees in comparison to other successful states where great government
has made its state wonderful and productive. Without good leaders, we simply
have a status quo (which is pretty miserable judging by its rank in
highway/infrastructure improvements, education (and dropouts), crime, low
wages, and consequently--attitudes.

Again, dirty tricks in Washington is part of everyday dirty politics as
usual. And, if history repeats itself (as in the norm), it will run the
gamut until time expires.


And about dirty tricks from Washington, isn't it a pretty dirty trick to
vote against legislation that benefits Louisiana?


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