[StBernard] Mr. Boasso & Jer need to sit down and talk...get some facts s...

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Aug 23 20:00:44 EDT 2007

"okay jer..so you should be pulling the lever for MR> BOASSO...he can
definitely move the state forward.....and will have the Kahunas....to do it

**I'M not 100% at the moment, but I might say this: If Mr. Boasso was still
a conservative/Rep. I would give him consideration. I do NOT vote for the
man as much as I vote my party's conscience. The platform is always
important to me OVER a home-town boy, but I would have certainly given
Walter consideration had he kept his party credentials. For the most part,
I'd say 85% of democratic beliefs go against the grain of my beliefs. It is
NOT the party of my father and grandfather and has become TOO liberalized
for me to still maintain a conscience. Spend, spend spend and I will not get
into religious beliefs because most people already know this fact.

Jeff Sadow of Between the Lines writes:

"Now the Democrats have given a lesson on how not to do it, attacking Jindal
not for any policy preferences, but for his religious views and people who
donate to his campaign. Ad campaigns based upon personal smearing (with the
exception of corruption issues) will tend to detach some voters, but they
usually backfire in creating sympathy for a candidate seen as being unfairly
treated through an invasion of his private life separate from the public
square, and disgusts and thus discourages voters from participating
including many who would have voted for other candidates."

**Well, by attacking a good man on his religious beliefs, Mr. Jindal may be
in for a "shoe-in" as this political tactic can come to backfire and raise a
tremendous amount of sympathy as the Democratic Party can be seen as attack
dogs/gang on towards Mr. Jindal. Talk about out of context and away from the
issues! We can only surmise that this evil attacks can be to dissuade the
bible belt in Northern LA to change their minds (which are already
formulated and fixed for the polls). Last ditch efforts to pull in voters
with miscues and innuendos are attempting to paint Mr. Jindal as the "Evil
One" or Satan when most people already know the lies has more gun-powder at
the face level than at the barrel.

Kahunas? Meaning Pacific Cocoanuts? Yea, for a small guy, he's got Kahunas
enough I suppose to make a run for the U.S. presidency in 2012. We'll see.

--But, Good luck to Mr. Boasso. I must admit he's been quite helpful
whenever in the eyes of the press's cameras. This we know.


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