[StBernard] Mr. Boasso & Jer need to sit downandtalk...get somefacts straight

Westley Annis westley at devacaps.com
Tue Aug 28 21:22:30 EDT 2007

Hypocrisy? Perhaps it's safe to say that we ALL have experienced hypocrisy
on our own part (Jesus: "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone")

However, that doesn't excuse Mr. Vitter from infidelity which certainly
breaches the trust of he and his constituents (and LA voters). It's wrong to
be faithless in marriage. Nobody is perfect, but we should work hard at
perfection in morality as it should be our goal, perhaps to be "God-like"
(again as Jesus quoted).

Now, we shouldn't leave out Mr. Marion Berry who was caught in a sting years
ago with his drug-ring (Cocaine). What bothers me is that the blacks in D.C.
have a little more tolerance for their officials (and it's true concerning
forgiveness for Mr. Nagin, (who will most certainly put the death-knell on
the democratic party's chances for a Demo governor if he decides to enter
the race- the "divide and conquer mentality" for the competition to split
the demo's vote). Again, how can a politician who has misled the public
trust with a crime (Mr. Berry) can put him right back in as Mayor of D.C. is
beyond anything I can envision. In the old days, whites who would have
created that situation for the voters would have been "tarred and feathered
and run out of town on a rail". So, there's a "yes, we'll forgive, but we'll
never forget".

Embarrassment, sure. It embarrassed myself as a conservative, but when was
the democratic party ever spared corruption? All in politics are confronted
and tempted with "easy money" or a spousal abuse of unfaithfulness, it
appears. More so, perhaps than parts of the average population.

Therefore, ethics in government is paramount to the person him/herself.

" I feel the reason Mr. Boasso went democratic instead of independent was so

he could have the hugh backing and support of the democratic party. That
will get him further along than being an independent."

**There are conservative values and there are liberal values. I believe that
the further one strays away from God's values, the better chance of
accepting god-less attitudes and values. ("conservative democrat"? I doubt
that there is actually such a definition of existence. The law of politics
in the U.S. says one side of the congressional isle is conservative and the
other side is liberal. If one wants to boycott a platform or wishes to
remain neutral to either side in political perspectives, he/she chooses to
be an independent vote. (Oh, one is allowed to pick up some ideologies from
either party, perhaps).

"you need to be willing to cut some throats to a certain degree and waffle
around also."

**Oooh, that's when one's ethics play a huge part in one's heart. Why does
one accept the "cut a throat before mine gets cut" attitude?

BTW, does anyone else realize, the next "idealistic civil war" is going to
take place between supporters who are going to side as a conservative or a
liberal? It's evident, since the only laws that's not making it to the
lawbooks are in the political realm. (example: what law is being proposed to
make it a crime to call someone a "liberal or conservative" or the "L-Word"
or "C-Word"? Politicians will try to make it a "hate-crime" to say the
"N-Word", so why not go further and propose a law for the "L or C Words"?

Again, the further a sincere one moves from the goodness of our Maker, the
more he or she is likely to find him/herself measured by us as judges of
his/her character. Right or wrong, we must weigh elected political
performances truthfully and accurately.


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