[StBernard] Not So Fast...

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sat Sep 22 21:40:35 EDT 2007

I had to upchuck my supper even though I enjoyed that roast beef immensely
with this:

" In the coming weeks, we will continue to lay out the truth about Bobby
Jindal's record. Sure, he's got a big brain. But he has no heart."

Jer: Are you saying that your Mr. Boasso has no brain--but a big heart?

Well, it's quite possible that could be a result of excessive weight. Most
doctors warrant this against their patients eating heavily before going to
bed, at breakfast, brunch, lunch, pre-sup, supper and then after going to
bed. This is not unlike the public being force-fed this unholy diet of more
lies, deceit and any possibility that Mr. Boasso is equally not innocent of
gathering his info correctly and responsible.

Shame on Mr. Boasso if he continues "dirty politics" at the expense of
putting sick, disturbed people in his ads for governorship. How about
telling the people how he can help St. Bernard and the rest of the great
state of LA for once. Perhaps the populace, would love to hear his
2000-point plan for successful governing of our state away from depression
and lack of recovery?

--until this happens, people will see candidates for what they are: Greed
for power, prestige and money (who needs the pittance of governor's pay when
in the same league as Bill Gates and have a chance at even more once in

Play it straight and even. Hey, even if you don't win, people won't remember
you for underhandedness, clawing and cheating to the top at any expense or
hurt caused?


Dear Friends,

For the fourth straight day, Bobby Jindal refused to address any specifics
in the case of John McNiece, the mentally ill man Jindal threw out of a
nursing home and onto the streets while he served as head of the Department
of Health and Hospitals. Instead, Jindal has called Mr. McNiece's sister a
liar while refusing to discuss the specifics.

A lie?

Tell that to the Federal Judge who ruled in 1998 that Jindal broke the law
when he heartlessly cut health care benefits to John McNiece. The judge
issued a summary judgment and reinstated Mr. McNiece's health care benefits.

Desperate and fretting the truth, today Bobby Jindal tried to pull a fast
one on the voters of Louisiana. He launched a television ad today featuring

a doctor talking up Jindal's tenure as head of DHH.

Not so fast...

Turns out the doctor, Mr. Ralph Abraham, is a financial contributor of Bobby
Jindal's political campaign. That's right. Earlier this year, Mr.
Abraham gave Bobby Jindal a big fat check for $5,000. Now Mr. Jindal, in
desperation to blur the facts, has turned to his fundraising list to cut ads
for him in an attempt to try and save his campaign for governor.

Well, guess what? There's nothing anyone can say, not even Mr. Jindal's own
donors, that will change the facts about Mr. Jindal's record of kicking
people out of nursing homes and cutting the health care of thousands of
Louisiana citizens.

In the coming weeks, we will continue to lay out the truth about Bobby
Jindal's record. Sure, he's got a big brain. But he has no heart.

And every time you see a Jindal television commercial trying to blur the
facts, just remember it's being paid for by the Washington special interests
who have controlled Mr. Jindal during his time in Congress. And now, his
ads desperately even feature his own contributors.

Help us keep up the momentum. Go to our website, www.governorboasso.org
<http:www.governorboasso.org> and
sign up to volunteer as we head into the homestretch leading into the
October 20th Election. And help us as we continue to grow our grassroots
effort across the state in preparation for the run-off Election on November

Thank you for your hard work, commitment and continued support.


Jay Howser
Campaign Manager
Boasso for Governor

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