[StBernard] Sheriff's Race - Crime

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sun Sep 23 20:25:51 EDT 2007

"Jer, I have to disagree. Most inner city kids, aren't being raised by
Their parents are usually at under paid jobs at hours that don't coordinate
with school, thus leaving these kids alone. Otherwise, we would not have
"latch-key kids" --Wendy H"

Jerry Responds: Ah, did I say that inner city kids are raised by "parents"?
<G>>> Nay. Here's the key if one can't raise children "as parents". Don't
have kids. If the governments can recommend giving out free condoms to kids
in school (as a method of birth control, avoidance of aids, syphilis, and
other social ills, etc..etc.. THEN, they should provide birth control to
people who can't control the urge. (I don't care which method is used). I
don't believe one culture is Catholic and prohibited by the Pope <smile>..

The point is this: I don't care how po' ya are, either control through
abstinence, controls, etc. Whatever it takes. Breeding illegitimate kids by
the truck-full does not help the ill-fed society. Everyone is either
educated about motherhood through schools (especially since 1965 and
child-bearing), public service announcements, public health facilities, or
one's doctor. How can the stupid not understand English? (unless you're an
illegal here). Taxpayers don't need this kind of nonsense.

This goes for non-minorities as well.

Secondly, Wendy. Latch-key kids. Hopefully those leaving their kids home by
themselves, are leaving them along of proper age. Again, parents become
law-breakers if they break this law and risk any child being harmed or/and
then taken away by agencies for neglect.

Kids not properly supervised get into trouble. If not the Internet, then
mischievous and criminal behaviors. Then the law gets broken once again. No
excuses. Just living properly and wholesomely, obeying laws, doing the right
thing, etc.

Once again, if no one's raising kids who develop rap sheets at 10 years of
age (or under) and over, that becomes a burden to society, to the state
welfare system, to the tax payer, to themselves. Ignorance is not
acceptable. Everyone must work at proper living. For some, it's not easy
because all children are different. However, that's the luck of the draw (if
kids are allowed to corrupt while in the custody of someone who claims
he/she can parent and don't have a clue how to rear a child properly), but
doesn't let one who fathers or mothers off the hook.

I won't go into how poor I was (until the time is right). However, let it
suffice to say I've never owned a pair shoes of my own when I was 0-12 years
of age. In those days, the poor wore hand-me-downs (in this case shoes),
until the cardboard wore out from a hard rain--then the cardboard was
replaced until the sewn leather soles flopped, then one used a string to tie
it back down until the sting broke, then...

This is America and I was reared properly under the most dire of
circumstances. Now, what are their problems?

No excuses. Just do the proper thing.


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