[StBernard] Jena 6- check out CNN Kyra Phillips report!!!!!!!

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sun Sep 23 20:36:57 EDT 2007


CNN, with Kyra Phillips, had a really good special about this situation
in Jena. The situation wasn't just A and B. There were numerous incidents
concerning undercharging whites in the area, including a time when a white
kid brought a shotgun and was going after a black kid. After three blacks
kids wrestled the gun away from a white guy threatening a black kid, the
three blacks were charged with assault and battery, including theft of the
weapon, the white kid, no charges. Along with undercharging whites, the
overcharging of blacks was a common thing with this DA.
Now to the kid who was attacked in school, according to witnesses, the
kid who was beat was supposedly saying some racials slurs. His mother and
aunt (of course) say he wasn't that type of person, but witnesses (not
involved with the fight) heard one of the black kids the tell beating victim
to shut up (I've cleaned this up) with the slurs. A couple minutes later, he
was on the ground. This story is a lot more complicated than incident 1 and
incident 2. This took place over a year with numerous things feeding this
situation and fueling the situation to escalate to the point where they boy
was attacked.
In many cases, the principle was overridden by school board members,
including punishing the kids who hung the nooses. An interesting point, the
FBI wanted to charge the three kids who hung the nooses with hate crimes,
but the DA intervened. I wonder if this DA is going to face what the Duke
Lacrosse DA is facing?

Extra note, they boy who had previous charges, the charges had to do with
intervening for another kid who was being beaten up. He was then charged
with assault. And, two of the kids who were charged were supposed not even
inside the school when the incident happened, they were in the yard, under
the infamous tree. Definitely a complex and disturbing issue if true!

Wendy H

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