[StBernard] Jena 6- check out CNN Kyra Phillips report!!!!!!!

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Mon Sep 24 18:48:35 EDT 2007

Wendy, considering the CNN source, it's obvious the liberal CNN (Kyra
Phillips) would be leaning on the wrong side of the issue. Questions were
badgering, seeking responses of the Jena Six supporters. 90% of this
"investigative story" leaned this way.

I found the black federal guy extremely professional, articulate and very
credible--one I'd trust in a court of law. Many of those questions could
hardly be fathomed as a student in high-school.

Yes, escalation involved 2 sides of the issue.

Would those who supported the Jena 6 be satisfied if those idiots who hung
nooses as their prank were given the "death penalty" for placing 3 ropes in
a tree? (it's hard to believe those nerds can even whip someone in a fight,
must less be strong enough to fight 15% of the black town to get nooses
around one of their neck and pull them out--a joke indeed).

When whites were interviewed, one can see they feared for retaliation if
they spoke their minds truthfully about the issue.

How is it possible that one white kid amidst a crowd of blacks is going to
be ignorant enough to believe he's going to survive in a verbal alteration
with blacks? The statement was that he and a girl were walking in the area,
and someone "crowned him from the rear" to have him disabled enough to be
ineffective in a fight with a nest of those who beat him with feet, punches
and shoes (unconsciously).

These incidents occurred as separate issues 3 months apart and is treated as

What actually started the series of events from day one? In turf wars,
people know their grounds. (hence, the story of gangs). Since there were no
white gangs (groupings) explained in the reports, we have to look at the
catalyst for the event. Something HAD to start a fight. No part of the
report mentioned any of the blacks say at any time in the 3 months that
someone used the words, "cracker", "white-bread", "white-boyz" "flour-power"
or any such denigrating remarks. Do we believe that no one ever used words
vs. the white students? Is this believable? I've seen fights between the
same cultures where racial slurs were used -- I've even hurt countless times
in my living in inner-city neighborhoods, schools, etc.

It's unbelievable that only one side is labeled racists, because I'd bet
besides beatings, bottles thrown, etc.. slurs had to be exchanged
(especially knowing the rap sheet of some prior to their arrests. Mychal
Bell has a history of fights/altercations and was far from the poor angel
he's painted by the Reverends of the day. I'd be willing to bet at some
point (ala Rodney King (famous LA street chase and beating) who continued
his life of crime/law-breaking, as a "pillow of society", we're sure) beyond
this, we may yet see more of Mr. Bell in the news.

Violence is pitiful from any side. However, no one wants to take the
feelings of Jena (or St. Bernard, or Baton Rouge, or anyplace else) equally
as serious as they do a "victim of inequity of justice". If justice is
blind, both sides have to be heard for proper adjudication and dealings.

CNN knows sensationism, because nothing sparks riots and Reality TV than
violence. Having lived on the streets, had my share of battles with whites
and blacks, I can attest to escalation of events. When I was a youth, I
fought with blacks, however, after we had our beef, we played football,
basketball or swam and even ate lunch at one another's home.

Now, you're supposed to beat one another to death or face ridicule by your
peers who see backing down as a sign of weakness. One is lucky to make it
out alive in confrontations.

There, unfortunately will never be harmony as Pandora is indeed out the box
and things never go back the way it once existed. This isn't heaven, heaven
on earth or Utopia. Never will be no matter how much people try to create a
world of peace, harmony or love. Since when has things gotten better this
past 5000 or so years?

Lose respect and literally--one loses "religion". Lose God and we see what
happens. I'd rather people pawning religion knock at my front door, than a
hoosier knock down my back door and this instigates more violence.


-----Original Message-----

CNN, with Kyra Phillips, had a really good special about this situation
in Jena. The situation wasn't just A and B. There were numerous incidents
concerning undercharging whites in the area, including a time when a white
kid brought a shotgun and was going after a black kid. After three blacks
kids wrestled the gun away from a white guy threatening a black kid, the
three blacks were charged with assault and battery, including theft of the
weapon, the white kid, no charges. Along with undercharging whites, the
overcharging of blacks was a common thing with this DA.
Now to the kid who was attacked in school, according to witnesses, the
kid who was beat was supposedly saying some racials slurs. His mother and
aunt (of course) say he wasn't that type of person, but witnesses (not
involved with the fight) heard one of the black kids the tell beating victim
to shut up (I've cleaned this up) with the slurs. A couple minutes later, he
was on the ground. This story is a lot more complicated than incident 1 and
incident 2. This took place over a year with numerous things feeding this
situation and fueling the situation to escalate to the point where they boy
was attacked.
In many cases, the principle was overridden by school board members,
including punishing the kids who hung the nooses. An interesting point, the
FBI wanted to charge the three kids who hung the nooses with hate crimes,
but the DA intervened. I wonder if this DA is going to face what the Duke
Lacrosse DA is facing?

Extra note, they boy who had previous charges, the charges had to do with
intervening for another kid who was being beaten up. He was then charged
with assault. And, two of the kids who were charged were supposed not even
inside the school when the incident happened, they were in the yard, under
the infamous tree. Definitely a complex and disturbing issue if true!

Wendy H

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