[StBernard] Sheriff's Race - Crime

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sun Sep 30 15:53:26 EDT 2007

" Yes Jer, It is our right, but also our obligation to say no to all things
we believe are sinful, but I was taught in my catholic church that it is
also our obligation to say tell others if we think something is wrong and to
spread the "Good News".--Laurie"

Jer: Yes, as a parent, as one who accepts God's commandments (as the
apostles role to go out into the wilderness and preach what they were
commanded by Christ), Christians (who some feel are nagging, a bother, PIA,
or whatever), must face what were deemed trials and tribulations. Imagine
how tough it was then to go throughout the known world amongst heathens,
godless, belligerent people and preach the word of God in their testaments.

As our parent, God expects taught us what was correct behaviors. When we
have done our duty as God directed, there is no sin, no guilt and therefore
we are in His grace for doing such.

If we follow those laws, a "warning" goes off in our heads when we see and
feel wrongs are being committed. Most of us are taught right from wrong in
our early lives (and much was religious based from our parents). It seems
that when my generation got off of their duty 50-plus years ago, all
hell-shook it's foundations as is evident by the music of today, the
behaviors and lifestyles led and a continuous path to a God-less society
where the only thing that counts is oneself.

I'm spreading the good news as we speak. That is my role, but to those who
do not believe, don't pay attention because these will have to face his/her
own Judge at a later era. When some of do good, we feel the goodness of HE
who made Goodness. Man was given free will. What he chooses to do with it
will determine his placement in afterlife. Believe that there is one or not
is irrelevant and no one wants to consciously want to be "all dressed up
with no place to go" at that time. <g>.

If you see me on the street, I'm going to tell you "God bless you!" whether
it's accepted or nay. And, until the new "Socialist Republic" is in place
(and it will come full circle as Christians were fed to the lions, tortured
and ridiculed, so it shall be again at some point in the future. Mark these
words carefully. "It will be so!"

Therefore, the redeeming value of any sinner is to atone for it. If one does
not, and chooses to remain in that "vacuum from God", the sin cannot stand
as normal or accepted. It will be a condemnation in God's perspective (as it
is in one of God's believers.

Even killers who atone can get back into the Lord's grace. Failure to do so
is no less for adultery, thieves, and the deviances/abominations which
challenge God's goodness.


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