[StBernard] For the Parish President

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Oct 4 22:17:23 EDT 2007

My vote goes to Craig also. I saw the debate Normand Robertson hosted and
Jr. is an idiot. He seemed untruthful and denied any responsibility for
anything. He actually had the nerve to blame Craig. He's full of B.S.
Please don't respond to me with any flack, people. That is my opinion and
I'm allowed to have it. He didn't come across well at all. Craig and Mr.
Serpas are the only ones that seem to have any sense.


> -----------------------------------------------------

> Laurie:


> Sorry for the delay in responding. I have no idea where the time goes. I

> am in complete agreement with your comments. If what was printed in the

> St. Bernard News last week (that the parish was going to start enforcing


> laws on doors and windows to secure property) was correct, we should start

> to see some activity around the parish. My biggest concern is that I drive

> around to see what is happening and have some encouragement, and


> (picking up storm debris, grass cuttings, etc.) seems to have come to a

> hault. Your comment about the condition of the streets is head-on. I would

> suspect that even if we were given the money today to fix the streets, it

> would be a year or better before we would see anything significant. I have

> suggested that we purchase a "Pothole killer" like the one being used in

> New Orleans to fix potholes. I have seen this truck in action, and one

> driver can fill a 3-5 foot pothole in less than 10 minutes. Yes, I would

> rather see the streets properly repaired, but I would settle for this in


> interim.


> I also firmly agree that the government complex building should be


> ASAP and ALL non-business trailers should be removed. If parish workers


> living in these trailers, then they need to have the trailers moved to


> property or to one of the trailer parks. The same goes for the trailers

> around Lacoste school and Nunez Jr. College. Policies should be fair and

> consistently applied.


> Finally, I believe that the parish has to crack down on those businesses

> that are no longer operating in St. Bernard. Why should KFC, Taco Bell,

> etc. be allowed to remain boarded-up. Similarly, places like the former

> Rally's and First Bank locations that have been demolished but still have

> slabs with weeds growing on them need to complete the demolition and


> soil. These businesses are on the main highway through the parish.

> Wouldn't it be more encouraging for residents to see these buildings/slabs

> removed versus looking at them every day as we drive past.


> These items were, for the most part, areas of concern to me that should be

> of some concern to the parish president, thus my reason for titling it


> the Parish President". If nothing else, perhaps others will read this and

> call on Jr. to step up to plate; if not, hopefully the voters won't return

> him to office. (Regardless, my vote goes to Craig Taffaro.)


> Thank you for your comments, and keep the faith. Things will get better -


> just pray that we don't have to wait until the elections are over to see


> action.

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