[StBernard] Thank You

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Oct 25 23:16:15 EDT 2007

Dear Friends:

Cindy and I would like to extend our deepest gratitude for the commitment,
dedication and support you showed us during our campaign. As we travelled
the state we met so many new friends and were blessed to have been guided by
your prayers and well-wishes. We were touched by this outpouring of support
and will carry this experience with us in our hearts always.

Just because our campaign is over does not mean the work will end. Our
mission to create a stronger and better Louisiana for us all runs too deep
to end on an election day. For that reason, I ask that you remain as fully
engaged in the improvement of our communities and our state as we will.
There are too many challenges we face and these challenges will only be met
if we come together as a state for positive change.

It is my deepest hope that we will pull together to improve Louisiana. To
provide quality education for our children, affordable health care for our
citizens and a vibrant and growing economy so that we all may be able to
enjoy with our families the riches our state has to offer.

I look forward to continuing to work with you and our thoughts and prayers
are with Governor-elect Jindal. The election is over and now it is time for
us all to come together in support of our common mission and common cause.

Again, thank you for work and support, God bless you and your family and I
hope to see you soon.

With Warmest Regards,


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