[StBernard] taffaro video

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Nov 8 23:27:10 EST 2007

This is very disturbing on many counts. Both what is stated or implied
about Craig but also the fact that the audio tape this lady claims is the
"smoking gun" of evidence no longer exists due to flood waters of Katrina.
So what are we to believe? Upon evacuating from Katrina, I believe I would
have grabbed that audio tape before grabbing my kids - if that tape was so
damaging as claimed.

What about after her custody trial? She said if the trial didn't go the way
she hoped, she could or would use the tape as proof about Craig to the judge
- or to media or anyone else for that matter. From her statement I can only
assume her custody trial ended well prior to Katrina. So why didn't she
release the tape then? She waits more than two years after Katrina - even
longer since her trial - to now tell us there was this damaging "tape?" Why
didn't she come out with her statement right after Craig began running for
parish president some six months ago?

I am not accusing this lady of lying - she does come across as sincere.
However, when you make serious allegations as hers you had better be able to
back it up.

I'm afraid this is all going to have to be taken with a grain of salt. If
what she says is true, then I trust it will eventually all come out to the
public's attention by a more credible source.


I should add I am not a Craig Taffaro fan and will not be voting in the run
off due to my now being a resident of Mississippi.

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