[StBernard] David Duke Resurrected?

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Mon Nov 19 20:51:51 EST 2007

I won't take sides on either right or wrong of the issue:

However, we did get to see the results of David Duke's opponents past that
include David Vitter and Edwin Edwards.

At what point will we get rid of scoundrels and find an enjoyable, rewarding
politician in government these days. That goes the same for the national
figures of the Clintons, Bushes, and others who speak softly and carry a big
stick of blunder and miscues.

Perhaps a great conservative who has his/her hands in their own pockets
instead of others.


Lord help us all if Daid Dukes turns up running and winning any position in
La. We don't need him, he will only bring us down and make us look like
fools to the nation, yet again. Not to mention with his ideas he just has
no place in political office in this day and age. It absurd. People please
don't vote for him.


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