[StBernard] Truck Stop

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Fri Dec 14 23:30:12 EST 2007

Unless the Louisiana law has been changed, a truck stop must sell a large
volume of fuel to keep the video machines. I can remember that Lucky Bayou
and Paradise Truck stop prior to Katrina were not selling their quota of
fuel, which caused some of the machines to be turned in.
The truck stops are allotted 50 machines if they meet the monthly fuel
sales. The state will remove one or many if the appropriate fuel consumption
is not met.
I just can't see that there are enough trucks to pump that much fuel at
another truck stop in St. Bernard.
Maybe the potential owners are only looking to justify 15, 20 etc machines
and already know that they won't meet the large volume of fuel required for

Look at the bingo hall that was on E Judge Perez next to the Gulf Coast Bank
The owners opened about 5 or 6 small separate business, got the required
liquor license just to meet the requirements to place 3 video polka machines
in each establishment.

No matter how the potential owners slice and dice their intentions it's the
revenue from the video machines that they are looking for. I don't see how
in any way that more than 20, if that many people, would be employed. Oh
yes, the truck stop must have a food service restaurant open 24 hours and
available showers.

I would hope that the existing parish council would see through the fog and
not approve another truck stop.

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