[StBernard] truck stop casino denied

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Fri Dec 21 08:41:48 EST 2007


These are excellent questions.

As the people of St Bernard Parish, we want to not only actively participate
in the decisions which impact our quality of life and wellbeing in the
community as a whole and our in residential neighborhoods but to also
understand how to effect these decisions through the public participation
process. With this understanding we can take effective action and make a
commitment to continue this public input. With the growing number of
committees and commissions, it is difficult at best to have residents
represented at all these meetings. When residents learn of resolutions,
which typically are voted on without the same public notice and public
hearing as ordinances, it is perceived as placing the people at a
disadvantage to stay informed and have effective input.

Perhaps a more comprehensive discussion and explanation of these processes
could be forthcoming. Does the Home Rule Charter address resolutions?
Agenda notice requirements for commissions, committees? The ability of a
commission/committee to make decisions outside a council meeting, say just
for instance, Coastal Zone or in any circumstances with the Planning

Just as the new council elect attends orientations and workshops, maybe we
need one for the people.

Just a thought? Perhaps a gathering of residents and representatives of
different neighborhood associations?


-----Original Message-----
thx deborah,

One of the biggest challenges we face is that not every one understands the
process. I being one of them. It would be a big plus for local government
and the community if someone could explain the function of and relationship
between the planning commission, the council, the local administration and
the executive finance commission and all the other commissions that exist

I firmly believe in the rights of land owners and citizens to express their
views through public meetings. Every issue that impacts the community,
positively or negatively should go through this due process.

Are there any instances where committees can pass a resolution without the
benefit of public notification, review or opinion.



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