[StBernard] Which engineer would you hire?

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Aug 5 18:30:09 EDT 2008

Oh, c'mon Wendy, if you'd like I'll be happy to rewrite my story and add
about 20 or 30 more negative points about Obama and why his inexperience or
experience at flip-flopping on issues make him a poorer engineering
candidate. My point was to simply point out history shows the ineptness of
no experience, even if we're not so happy with the expectation of present

As for Einstein, actually he "didn't" have much to do with the development
of the atomic bomb. Sure, he hung around Los Alamos...as a courtesy and out
of respect for his intellect he was invited by Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer
(the father of the atomic bomb) to participate in its research and to
provide input, valuabe it was, during its research and development.
Oppenheimer was the lead scientist on the Manhattan Project since he was the
first to successfully carry out a controlled experiment of splitting the
atom. However, if credit is to be properly given here, it is Italian
physicist Enrico Fermi who many give most of the credit since he developed
the nuclear reactor capable of producing a bomb the size of Fat Man and
Little Boy. But did I forget to mention Einstein was "old" and experienced
when he went to Los Alamos. I serously doubt he'd have been invited right
out of college. Anyway, enough of the history lesson.

And for the record, I don't think engineer McCain paid off any inspector or
filled out paper work wrong..those are presumptions on your part and without
merit. Nothing in my anology of Obama was incorrect...was it? No need here
to make up stuff on the other candidate just because Obama doesn't have a
record of accomplishment.

As you put it, nobody is perfect thus no candidate perfectly appealing. I
just pointed out how when you add up all the pros and cons, I go with the
safer bet...thus why we have old sayings like "one in the hand beats two in
the bush." Obama reminds me of a used car salesman making promises he can't
keep or simply telling me what he thinks I want to hear. At least McCain is
only promising to work to try and improve things - and that's all I want a
candidate to say. Trust in its most simple terms is the issue. A candidate
with new ideas and promising me the world comes across as a con man. I'm
tired of "I feel your pain" candidates.

I like to use examples, so let me use one from an excellent movie I recently
watched.."The Pursuit of Happyness" with Will Smith. There's a scene where
he's trying to land the investment account of a huge corporate executive.
The executive is genuinely impressed with Smith (his character) and listens
to everything he has to say - all his "great" ideas, his enthusiasm, etc.
But a moment later when this exec learns Smith is new and just starting out
as a stock broker, he generally tells Smith..."look, you're a great guy,
impressive, good ideas and so on, but there's no way we are going to trust
you with a multi-million dollar account with no track record of any kind of
financial success...as he precisely put it, "it's not going to happen." And
that is the "reality" of people who make "sound" busines decisions. I apply
that to this presidential race and that's why I'm supporting McCain - even
with any faults he might have - at least he has some record of
accomplishment, if nothing else being able to work with the Democrats across
the isle.


-----Original Message-----
But John,

When Contrctor McCain made his presentation, did he bother to explain
that there was 9 trillion dollars of overages in his projections, he filed
numerous papers wrong, he had inspectors on his payroll (lobbyist) and that
4400 men lost their lives building them. You are right, that Contractor
Obama doesn't have much in the way of experience, however, Einstein didn't
have any experience building a bomb when he did it. If I remember right he
did a pretty good job when he did, think that's how we won WWII if I'm not
mistaken. I'm not saying Obama won't mess up, hell any and everyone would.
BUT, with a younger generation comes newer ideas. Will Obama be more of the
same, I don't know but with McCain I know I will and Obama wasn't my first


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