[StBernard] What defines a person? Your party affiliation according to Democrats

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sat Sep 13 10:53:27 EDT 2008

Folks, this is going to be one of those "see what I mean" commentaries.
Believe me when I say I try to avoid Bill Maher with every ounce of energy
in my body, but I dropped my guard tonite while channel surfing and
answering the phone at the same time. I hung up the phone just at the right
moment when actress Janeane Garofalo (a guest on the panel) made one of the
most absurd comments I thought an educated human being could not possibly

In the midst of discussion she blurts out "I think Democrats are simply more
decent people than Republicans." Yep, that's exactly what she said. She
went on to make the point that not only are Democrats more "decent human
beings" than a person who is registered Republican but that in itself
defines the person. Oh really? And you wonder why you hear people say
things like "Hollywood celebrities are kooks totally out of touch with
reality" or "out of touch with common people."

If I was on the show's panel, I would have responded with my best Dan
Aykroyd/Weekend Update impersonation..."Janeane, you ignorant slut." How
shallow it must be to be a liberal Democrat where you think a person's
entire being or worth is summed up the the political party he/she is
registered. If I were to define myself, to explain who and what I am and
what makes me the person I am, I would say...I am the product of my parents;
I am a Christian and God fearing man; I am a husband; I am a father; I am a
loyal friend to those I call friend. I could go defining myself in many
ways before I ever work my way down the list to arrive at "I am a

But to you Janeane and everyone else who thinks as you do, I guess
everything else - all the imporant "other" things in life mean nothing. I
guess that's why it's so easy for you and those like you to easily (or
conveniently) overlook all the misgivings and shortcomings in the candidates
you support, while finding it easy to trash others simply because they try
to hold to something higher in life. It's quite obvious now you don't hold
"anyone" to higher standards - which likely explains the dramatic drop in
literacy and morals in the country over the past several decades.

Yes, Janeane, forget that I go to church, worship in my own private way
while not jamming my beliefs down someone else's throat, try to live and
raise my child by the same "decent" standard taught to me by my parents and
grandparents, and try to treat others with respect in a way how I would like
them to treat me. Yes, Janeane, forget all that because it adds up to zero,
notta - all because when I registered to vote I checked off a different box
from you on the Party Affiliation line.

That's right, YOU are the decent human being and I'm the worthless scum bag
because I decided to check off the Republican box while you checked off
Democrat. Janeane, I have but one question for you - if I run down to the
Registrar of Voters Office and switch my party affiliation to Democrat, will
I then be a decent person?

Janeane, in the famous words of Red Foreman (the dad on That's 70's
Show)...dumb ass!

John Scurich

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