[StBernard] Is it Dems or GOPs?

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sat Sep 20 15:14:37 EDT 2008


Had the banks been smart and not so greedy, these people could afford
homes, with the lower interest rates. When the financial crunch began, they
should have made ocncessions to people having trouble, but their thoughts
were to foreclose than resell. However, there are now more forclosures than
sales and the properties have taken too long to flip over, usually resulting
in damages and losses. The baks got too greedy, instead of variable rates,
they should have made stable rates. These people were fine in their houses
and making payments before interest rates rose. ANd let's not forget that
these people pushed paperwork through that shouldn't have gone there.

Wendy H

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