[StBernard] Check out The Reverend Manning - The Rev. gets revved up--again! Pretty Heavy Stuff from the Reverend on Palin & Obama

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sat Sep 20 16:08:48 EDT 2008


In response to some of your statements,

---Why because their parents are working service and low income jobs, that
have non-business hours so these teens are left on their own. (Parents with
good jobs and decent hours have kids getting pregnant, also.)

---HIV is growing faster in the black female population than any other. Why?
Lack of information and
knowledge, that's also why we have higher teen pregnancy rates than Europe,
higher sexually transmitted diseases than Europe, etc. America's uptight
puritanical thinking is causing most of these problems. ( There is a lot of
information out there on HIV and unwanted pregnancies. I do not believe that
the majority of these pregnancies and HIV cases (black or white) are from
lack of knowledge. Movies, songs and lifestyles of popular figures
influence teens more than their parents. It's sad, but true. They
glamorize sex, but usually don't emphasize the consequences..unwanted
pregnancies, HIV and sometimes having to be on welfare to take care of the

---This is a vicious circle that feeds itself. (so, why don't they learn
after that first mistake, insead of having 2, 3 or more ? Because they know
that they can get welfare, food stamps, WIC, etc and not have to work & put
anything into the system. And I am not saying ALL cases turn out like

---So, if her own daughter couldn't trust her, how are we the American
people suppose to? If she couldn't handle her teenage daughter, how can we
ask her to handle rogue nations, etc. (What does her daughter trusting her
have to do witth her getting pregnant ? Does anyone you know who got
pregnant at a young age, did t because they didn't trust their parents ?
Obviously, you must not have any children or you would not have made the
statement "she couldn't handle her teenage daughter". Unless you locked her
up (and I am sure there were times when that didn't work), how would you
stop her from doing what she wanted to do ? She has a free will to choose.)


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