[StBernard] Truth behind Congress rejecting bail-out

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Mon Sep 29 23:48:24 EDT 2008


The malicious ignorance of the Democrats in Congress NEVER cease to amaze me...even though I anticipated it. Sure enough, after the House rejected the "bail-out" today in Congress, there was Nancy Pelosi and "Dingy" Harry Reid from the Senate stood there blaming Republicans for "not passing the bail out package."

Now, I realize many Americans are just plain dumb, but to play it safe and "not" give too many people credit, has the following crossed anyone's mind: THE DEMOCRATS CONTROL A MAJORITY OF BOTH THE U.S. HOUSE AND SENATE...SO WHAT THE HELL DO THEY NEED THE REPUBLICANS FOR TO PASS THE PROPOSAL????????

DID THIS OCCUR TO ANYONE??? If every Republican member of either chamber of Congress voted against it, then all the Democrats need to do is block vote to pass it....right?

So, simple logic can only allow one to conclude that if the proposal failed then it is because a large number of Democrats voted it down....right?

But to listen to these idiots you would swear the GOP controls the Congress. So, that leaves the only question one could ask at this point....So why do the Democrats want the Republicans to join them in the vote? Could it be that Pelosi and Reid want to show bi-partisanship in passing this?...Hell no! That's the last thing on their mind. Could it be because the Democrats want to help out all these Wall Street investment companies they've criticized for getting so rich off of this?....Of course not - remember, it's "supposedly" the Republicans who are for the rich and want to help these Wall Street clowns....but wait a second - it's the Republicans who are voting against this????? Now this is really getting confusing!

Actually, here's the reason why the liberals want the Republicans on board: they know this thing is likely going to fail and at best will end up costing the American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars...so, the Democrats want to be able at some point in the future to blame the Republicans for this entire deal. But the problem they've run into is the House Republicans aren't that stupid - or at least not as stupid as Pelosi and Reid might have thought.

And....now everyone is beginning to figure out why Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi did NOT want John McCain flying back to D.C. to do the job the people in Arizona elected him to do....they knew McCain was flying back to D.C. to stand with the House Republicans. Over the next week we are all going to learn how Reid and Pelosi bald faced lied to the public about McCain "screwing up the process" and how he should have stayed away...and how he didn't make any sense in the meeting with the President on Friday. Oh, Senator McCain made perfectly good sense - it just wasn't the kind of sense the Democrats wanted.

And if I'm wrong, then why do you think the Democrats were rushing like mad men last Thursday to get a deal done "before" McCain made it back to Washington. Remember Reid and company in front of the news cameras that afternoon annoucing they had struck a deal (in an attempt to make McCain think there was no longer any need to for him to return there), but then moments later the House Republicans were having a press conference shouting the had NOT reach at deal at all - just an attempt by the Democrats to establish a smoke screen...nothing more.

Yes, all this is slowly but surely starting to come out - no matter how hard the liberal media tries not to report it.

John Scurich

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