[StBernard] This story alone, is reason enough to boycott NBC News -- to Laurie

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Fri Oct 3 20:39:31 EDT 2008


Wishful thinking by the main stream media? Yes!! By the way, I think we
all know that the "main stream media" is far from main stream. After the VP
debate last night I was switching channels back and forth between Fox and
CNN and it was amazing to me how much difference there was in opinions on
who won the debate. I like Sarah Palin and I thought she did a great job
against such a seasoned politician like Biden. Does Palin need to learn?
Yes, but I think she is a quick study and will catch on fast. I think she
will have time. Unlike some others I disagree that McCain is on his last
leg and is going to die any minute.

On CNN I couldn't believe how Chris Matthews was making fun of her in the
most shallow of ways. Talking about her accent, how she looked, her hair.
It was like a scene from the movie "Mean Girls" only with adult men. I was
embarrassed for them. Is that all they got? I said to my husband, how old
are they? like high school? they seem so juvenile. Anderson Cooper was
the same way. I was ashamed of him, and I kinda liked him before after all
the attention he brought to St. Bernard with the keeping them honest thing.
But that's all over, he said he wouldn't forget us, but he has. The anchors
for CNN couldn't attack anything she said so they had to pick her apart and
make silly comments on her personal appearance. And by the way, she looked
great. Most red blooded men I know think she's hot. Some on CNN even made
remarks that I consider sexist, like "look how she keeps that poor baby and
her young daughter up so late and has them at this debate, insinuating she
is a bad mother for having her children there. It was sickening. I don't
think it hurts her kids to stay up a little late every now and then.
Please! They were grasping at straws.


> -----------------------------------------------------

> Laurie,


> After watching the "different polls," I have to wonder if it's not wishful

> thinking by the main stream media!!


> I will admit that in the beginning of all of this, I even said that Obama

> can give a speech -- but that's it "give a speech." The interviews that

> I've watched helped me make my decision because he cannot give a


> answer -- he reminds me of a different candidate from the past that likes


> "flip-flop" on crucial areas. And I at first was a "what was he thinking

> on selecting Palin." After watching and reading different things on Miss

> Palin, I have to say "That's My V.P.!!" She did call him on different

> things a few times. And I loved the way that she called him on the

> "constant looking back" and that it's "political to pay higher taxes!!"


> By the way, I did watch both debates, and I have to wonder what debate the

> media was watching because it was clear to me each time that McCain and

> Palin did win hands down.




> TJH --

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