[StBernard] Terrorists for Obama Don't miss this - new names.

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Mon Oct 13 08:18:29 EDT 2008

When the devil comes to you, he appears as your friend. He understands you,
feels your pain, he says all the things you've been waiting so long for
someone to say. He becomes your confident, your best friend and makes you
feel secure. He promises you everything you've always wanted, seemingly too
good to be true. It is too late when you finally realizes you've been taken
advantage, that he is not your friend and you have nothing left to show for
it - not even your soul. Because that's the deal you made with him in
return for his friendship. And the worst part is, you didn't even realize
you made such a deal - but he did.

...just a thought before you enter the voting booth on November 4th.

John Scurich

Read the article below.


Regardless of political party choice, it is important that people read
articles like this. Go to the Investors Business Daily link and read the
articles. Scary.

OK, I am preparing for someone to pounce on me for sending this out. Why is
it well researched articles that are showing O's questionable judgement and
skewed direction for our country is so ignored by the O followers. Don't you
want to preserve the Republic our founding father's envisioned - or close
to? (We have strayed far already.) Or are you really bent on
Marxist/Socialism?...where the elite calls the shots (too much of that now,
imagine if we move to Socialism), where the masses are sheeple headed for

The more I know about O the more I cannot follow. Mc is not perfect but Mc
loves this country and will lead us in a far different direction than

Terrorists For Obama

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, October 06, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Campaign '08: Sarah takes the gloves off and talks about Obama 'palling
around with terrorists.' The New York Times says their 'paths have crossed
sporadically.' But William Ayers isn't the only terrorist supporting Obama.


Read More: Election 2008

In the infamous interview with Katie Couric that sent conservatives
panicking, one of the patronizing questions Palin was asked was what
newspapers and magazines did she read. One of them, she told supporters
Saturday, is the New York Times.
While campaigning Saturday before an audience of at least 15,000 in Southern
California, the Alaska governor mentioned an article in that day's Times. It
dealt with a matter some consider irrelevant - Barack Obama's association
with Weather Underground founder William Ayers.

The piece was no expose. The title, 'Obama And '60s Bomber: A Look Into
Crossed Paths,' suggests their relationship was trivial, old news. As
Obama's defenders remind us, Ayers bombed buildings like the Pentagon when
Obama was 8 years old.
With Obama/Ayers, we have ample documentation their association was not just
casual, but in fact meaningful.

'If you're in public life, you ought to say, 'I don't want to be associated
with this guy,' ' observes columnist Steve Chapman. 'If John McCain had a
long association with a guy who'd bombed abortion clinics, I don't think
people would say, 'That's ancient history.' '

That Ayers' totalitarian revolutionary agenda isn't history is shown by
Ayers today sitting on the directorate of the Miranda International Center,
a think tank funded by the Venezuelan government of Hugo Chavez,
unofficially a state sponsor of terror that just last weekend was found to
be hosting terror training camps with Cuban and FARC operatives to attack
its neighbors. Ayers is both a hero and adviser to Hugo Chavez and a
colleague of Obama's.

A brief resume of Ayers on the Venezuelan government site describes him as
'the leader of the revolutionary and anti-imperialist group The Weather
Underground which initiated struggle against the government of the USA ,'
which it calls 'the empire.'
Ayers is also described as having 'developed courses around the urban reform
(and) problems of capitalist education.' That refers to Ayers' joint
involvement with Obama in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a school 'reform'
project Ayers used to insert a radical socialist curriculum into the Windy
City 's public schools.

On Saturday, Palin fired the first salvo against Obama's long links with
terrorists like Ayers, socialist activists like ACORN, racist pastors like
Jeremiah Wright and convicted influence peddlers like Tony Rezko.

'Our opponent . . . is someone who sees America , it seems, as so imperfect
- imperfect enough that he's palling around with terrorists who would target
their own country,' Palin said. 'Americans need to know this . . . I think,
OK, we gotta get the word out . . . we gotta start telling people what the
other side represents.'
As we have pointed out repeatedly, Obama and Ayers didn't merely 'cross
paths.' When Obama made his first run for the Illinois Senate, Ayers and
terrorist wife Bernadine Dohrn hosted Obama's first fundraiser at their
house in 1995. He remains in their debt.

Obama was CEO of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a school reform project
Ayers helped found, fund and use to advance his socialist agenda. Ayers
served on its board. The two met frequently, talked a lot and shared ideas.
Their ties were anything but casual.

Both men served for a few years together on the board of the Woods Fund.
This group helped fund the leftist group ACORN and its project to coerce
banks to issue the very risky loans that led to the current financial
crisis. Among their grants was one to Yasser Arafat's associate Rashid

Ayers isn't the only terrorist or radical supporting Obama. Mark Rudd, one
of the founders of the Weathermen terrorist group, worked closely with
Ayers. He's one of the signatories and endorsers of Progressives for Obama.

The group was started by, among others, Tom Hayden, founder of the Students
for a Democratic Society, and Hugo Chavez's buddy, actor Danny Glover. Also
in the mix is former Maoist Bill Fletcher, leader of Democratic Socialists
of America and a Chavez apologist.

'Before people pull that lever in November, they have a right to know, and
we a duty to tell them, who Barack Obama is - and to shine the light on some
of those fairly liberal and sometimes downright troubling relationships that
he's had,' McCain adviser Nancy Pfotenhauer told Fox News Saturday.

Hopefully that will start in earnest in Tuesday's debate. As Sarah says, the
American people gotta know, doggone it.

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