[StBernard] first news conference

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sun Nov 9 09:14:30 EST 2008

Oh no Laurie you misunderstood. I know that in transition the winners are
referred to as Prez Elect and VP elect. However there is no "Office of the
President Elect" that I could find. Ya know Obie, he's gotta have a new
sign for everything so it makes him unique! Remember his (as we called it)
his "possum" seal during the race?


I'm am sure I have heard the term "president elect" before and if
you check
wikepedia its uses the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 as a
reference to
the transition period from one president's term to the others and it
the term "president elect" and "vice president elect" to
identify the
officials. It seems to be a term only used in the United States so
when you google that term, Obama will come up because he is the
president elect.


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