[StBernard] Happy Inauguration Day...or is it?

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Jan 21 00:16:40 EST 2009

Just how do Conservatives stand with a different type of president? If he
stays healthy, he'll have a minimum 4 years. However, conservatives are not
going to sit on their thumbs and pretend that O'bama simply will allow
things to remain constant. Sure, all will agree America through greed,
giveaways, bad economics for decades, disasters and bad choices by charging
beyond our means got us into a mess. A war adds to it, but simply an
honorable end is preferable to a cowardice flee in a world which will gobble
up democracy by theocracy and takeovers.

There, the simulation stops. Now, jubilation begins for the liberal
extremists and socialists who voted for O=Blah=dee.

But, to reflect on Tuesday's "Day of Shame" and misery to half of Americans

Here is:

"Happy Inauguration Day...or is it?

The problem with liberals is they focus on topics that are either not real
or merely distractions. For instance; if Al Gore believed that global
warming was such an urgent issue, would he be flying in jets, ride in limos
and live in mansions? Would he have to stock his movie, "an inconvenient
truth" with admitted fake film footage and misleading data? And to what end
is Gore's hypocritical agenda? He has enriched himself with the bogus global
warming scam and he threatens to increase costs for businesses and
ultimately individuals because of this fantasy.

Universal Health care is another lefty issue. One of my left leaning friends
seems to think health care is a right. Nope, it ain't. Nowhere in the
Constitution is health care even once mentioned. The freedoms that allow one
to be the best he or she can be and to ultimately buy health care is in
there, but that's it. Some say that health care is such a necessity that
government has an obligation to provide it. What is more important, food,
shelter or health care? I would say health care is third on that list and
yet I never hear lefties pointing out the right to houses or hotdogs. And
let's say the left got its wish of universal health care, do you think that
health care system, a government run program, would even remotely resemble
our medical industry of today?

Another irresolvable issue that liberals latch on to is the war on poverty.
The left is always talking of everyone's responsibility to those who have
less. Of course they want to use other people's money to put forth their
agenda. America is the only country in the world where the poor are fat and
the rich are thin. Economic levels are all relative. Well Obama has already
said he plans to raise taxes for his redistribution programs. This brings to
mind a great quote;

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy

out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another

person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to

anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody

else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work

because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other

half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is

going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end

of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

~~~ The late Dr. Adrian Rogers , 1931 to 2005, Former Pastor of Bellevue

Baptist Church in Memphis, TN ~~~

Obama's mantra of hope and change is perfect; vague concepts that mean
nothing but have become the pledge of allegiance of the left.

Other hypocrisies;

Obama paints the homeless teen shelter and tells us all how we have personal
responsibilities. Can't the homeless teens paint their own shelter?

An inauguration that costs four times more than any inauguration before, all
in the name of history and at a time when millions are losing their jobs.

The call by liberals for Americans to sacrifice in these hard economic times
as the democrat led congress votes itself a pay raise and Obama lives a
lavish life style in Hawaii.

And what is this crap of how we all need to support Obama because he is the
president now? Did you on the left support Bush just because he was
president? I will support him when I agree with his agenda, right now, I
hope he fails miserably because his policies are flawed and far left.

Obama thinks because he is riding in a train and swearing on the same bible
as Lincoln that we all will think of him as Lincoln. It is rather odd that a
guy who has never done anything except be of a different race because he was
born that way, now wants to be cast as the great emancipator of today. In
1858, Honest Abe said this; "there is a physical difference between the
white and black races, which . . . will forever forbid the two races living
together upon terms of social and political equality.'' I think Mr. Lincoln
may have been a bit off on that one but that makes about as much sense as
Obama trying to be someone he isn't.

I know we are in for four years of a cultish mainstream media constantly
pushing forward Obama's policies and ignoring his short comings. There will
be no negative press from a swooning gaggle of writers, TV commentators and
reporters and the left will make excuses for him at every failure. Thank God
politics is cyclical; we should be well ensconced in a right wing government
in my golden years.

--the Internet.

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