[StBernard] Happy Inauguration Day...or is it?

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Wed Jan 21 08:46:18 EST 2009

This is an outstanding commentary. It doesn't really express opinions as much as it points out hard, cold facts about Obama and liberal theology. Of course I agree, but my sadness for what's happening is this country today goes far beyound my dislike of Obama and liberal politics. I have an outright fear of what is going to happen in the not too distant future - and it doesn't look pretty for liberals. I'll explain.

You've probably heard an old saying that goes something like "those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it." Well, there's a reason "old sayings" hang around from one generation to the next - it's because they're TRUE!

Some of the most intelligent people among us, even conservatives like myself, are guilty of failing to recognize the wisdom of old sayings - liberals just ignore them altogether. The point of George Santayana's saying is that history does in fact repeat itself because it is part of human nature for it to do so. History, like most things in nature, moves in cycles. So what part of our history do I soon see repeating itself? Wiemar.

We are definitely heading for a Wiemar period in the United States, not unlike that which took place in Germany during the 1920's. I don't have the time to educate you as to all the particulars - you can do that on your own time - but trust me when I say the similarities aren't just uncanny - they're downright frightening.

German government during the 1920's was overcome by a freethinking, irresponsible liberal majority. It blamed all its problems on the old government for bringing them into an unnecessary world war (sounds familiar?), for its high unemployment (this was pre-depression) and preached a new, liberal theology. This new Wiemar government in Germany dove into debt spending to get its economy moving again (sounds familiar?) and relied on heavily taxing the few citizens that actually worked (sounds more familiar?). Needless to say, it failed - miserably! But wait...there was a beacon of hope the German people saw that could bring them out of the Wiemar period. This hope was manifested in a single man - his name was Adolph Hitler.

Here is the history lesson the liberals better be weary of. Keep pushing this absurd liberal agenda down the nation's throat and after it fails there will be those among American society that will call for a new conservative leader - an "ultra" conservative leader. And somewhere among us will in fact rise a conservative with the right message, calling for not only change back to conservative principles, but persecution of all liberals - just as Hitler did with the Jews. And we all know what his solution to that was.

I'm telling you now, mark my words. It's coming. Oh, you're skeptical - as I was just a few short years ago. You're probably saying the same thing I did at one time..."c'mon, with modern communication technology, the internet, news traveling around the world in only seconds after it happens...how could one person and/or a group really pull this off? We're an intelligent society, we'd see this coming from a mile away, right? If you want just an vague glimpse of how it could possibly be pulled off, watch the movie "V for Vendetta." It demonstrates perfectly how under the right conditions, an ultra conservative nationalist could actually use the technology of today to his/her advantage to rise to power. Sure, there's a anit-hero in the story who tries to overthrow that, but you'll see how the conservatives rose to ultimate power - and the people voted for it.

Folks, I'm not saying I want to see any of this happen, but if liberals - like Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the like - keep pushing they're ways down the throats of the rest of us, even rational-minded conservatives like myself will support the "extreme" opposite if we feel that's the only alternative to stopping the extreme liberal-socialist movement.

Oh, did I mention that few liberals, if any, own a gun or weapon. Now, do you think conservatives own weapons? Lots of them? Hmmm. Thus answers the question how an ultra right-wing conservative nationalist would move to strengthen local malitias. And did I mention in the past few months gun/weapon sales are at a record high never seen before in this country's history? Hmmm. Looks like the seeds of the future are starting to be planted.

"Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it." The liberals better wake up - and watch out. But if history is any indication, they won't.

John Scurich

> -----------------------------------------------------
> Just how do Conservatives stand with a different type of president? If he
> stays healthy, he'll have a minimum 4 years. However, conservatives are not
> going to sit on their thumbs and pretend that O'bama simply will allow
> things to remain constant. Sure, all will agree America through greed,
> giveaways, bad economics for decades, disasters and bad choices by charging
> beyond our means got us into a mess. A war adds to it, but simply an
> honorable end is preferable to a cowardice flee in a world which will gobble
> up democracy by theocracy and takeovers.
> There, the simulation stops. Now, jubilation begins for the liberal
> extremists and socialists who voted for O=Blah=dee.
> But, to reflect on Tuesday's "Day of Shame" and misery to half of Americans
> -jer-
> Here is:

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