[StBernard] Insurance Safe?

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Mon Feb 23 15:38:25 EST 2009

Jer, you are a "class act". Thank You for your expressing how so many feel
but can't quite get it in words!


-----Original Message-----
"Why do some peope always seem to sound jealous because they FEEL we are
off, having gotten insurance, rebuilt our home OURSELVES and have a few
dollars on the side (not that it really matters with today's economy)."

Jer Responds humbly:

I'm not jealous, Syl. What gives you that idea? I'm not rich, but neither am
I eating out of garbage cans or cheap-diarrhea-based restaurants <G>

The argument always seems to stem/resort back to who stays and who goes from
and to da parish. Does the honor of homeland get erased because Hitler
forced millions from their homes to migrate to other lands and territories
away from persecution or impending death by disease, financial ruin, or
living desolated? I don't think so.

Katrina MEANT to do what it did. Destroy countless hundreds of thousands of
lives. Hitler did the same. Both were vicious, cruel and hateful to its
victims. I doubt if anyone can say they loved any of the two.

However, the scars of war or the battle of Katrina is NOT,..I say NOT a
single day, a month or a year. Anyone who believes the battle is over
because most got compensated is naïve and foolish. No one who has faced it's
rather will ever forget each moment slaving to restore (if that is what they
had to do, were fortunate to do, or wished to do.

Some people jealous? We, in some fractional sense (and I mean ALL, not some)
feel that the stolen loss can never be compensated fully even if insurance,
large entitlements, inheritance or secured a financial nest-egg somewhere
for themselves . If some were fortunate in that matter, it's great. But,
even feeling great that oneself was set up properly to face the future
issues, there are some who could not, etc. For many, many, they either were
told they didn't need flood insurance, that the levees would protect them,
(Just look at the former parish president/councilman who boldly proclaimed
he would stand near a levee and feel safe during the hurricane. (nuts, we're
not sure, but still confident to try and assure all that they would fare
well afterward (though greatly mistaken), etc.

It's not about whether one is rich or poor, make no mistake--it's about

--recovery in health, (emotionally or other), recovery in getting some
remnant of roof cover in which to dwell, recovery in ability to pay bills,
recovery in community.

Until I see St. Bernard Parish fully recovered either to the point of
Katrina or over the top of, I will remain an advocate for the voices who
cannot speak, are afraid to say something, or wish to but don't have the
means or power to buck the system.

Everyone wants recovery.

No one wishes to be miserable. They don't want it, need it, can't afford it,
and how can one defend misery? Therefore, to show who are well off indeed is
blessed to be so. Not because they are some sort of financial wizard or
psychic who predicted they would be decimated, but because it was God's
wishes in his grand scheme to be able to "humbly" bring forward those who
are having issues getting to some point where they aren't sickened to
emotion or stomach over an incident that may NEVER get clearance or for some
who may NEVER get closure.

I also pray for many I knew who died in the storm and pray for their
souls--because either they didn't make a good choice or didn't have or could
afford to be insured properly and felt they needed to remain and defend
their properties from looters or scallywags. BTW, Syl. I also include you
and your family in my humble prayers.


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