[StBernard] apron / skirt removed

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Mar 5 08:15:50 EST 2009

Ak, your thoughts are also in my prayers.

>From what I understand, Craig has made a pledge now to help those like

yourself. Seek his infinite wisdom as a "card carrying Conservative" (Now
the CCC) <CHUCKLE> and ask to give you assistance as well that you're being
victimized in the parish.

I can't say that you'll have to humble yourself, considering the activity
ongoing in da parish. However, as a Christian, he's given the right from
above to assist his brothers and sisters in "harm's way" (aka demolition) in
helping St. Bernardians in their dire straits after this horrific disaster.
He's made that a part of his campaign promise to help St. Bernardians
recover from their struggles.

Let him know this. I'm sure he'll comply that we're all in this together and
sink or rise, he's got the power to make it happen. As we know unless we ask
for our demo, the only 'X's we should see is on letter kisses, Tic tac toe,
and the now dead Malcolm X. <G>

Yours truly and wishing you every break that St. Bernardians need to


Westley, months ago I had a permit (paid) on property ~ 2 days
later I had a crew go out to clean the back yard, also clean up
the mess the thieves left in the house. The people I hired called
to tell me they couldn't get the truck & trailer in the drive
because the crew that was repairing the street removed the
apron/skirt from the drive way. The next 5 days I road around the
area until I found a man named Mr. Domingo he said he was the
head of the contractors that was fixing the streets & etc. I asked
him when would I be able to get the crew back to start on the
house ~ his reply was a few weeks BUT don't worry I'll let them
know you are going to fix the house up. Well months have passed,
can't find that guy / everyday I pass the house and the
apron/skirt isn't back on the driveway. Now we have another X on
the property. I had people lined up for the repairs, now I've lost
my place. It's time to let Mr. Taffaro&n bsp; have the pleasure of
knocking ; down another house. I keep forgetting that the people
who lived here before has no rights ~ only the illegal's and
such has rights in this parish now. We just don't know the right
people ~ I see many homes that hasn't had anything done to them /
but they know the right people ~ no X on them.

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