[StBernard] Get Mad-Dog Mean: Stop Obama Bailout Schemes

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Mar 5 21:40:19 EST 2009

Unfortunately, the only pleased supporters of the trillion-dollar,
nation-busting, bankrupt-causing plan are Liberals who luv O-B-1 and his
"dastardly deed".

The country is further exacerbated by ruining those under 40's future. It
won't be there for them, including my family. The "Socialist" now believe
they have found a "savior" greater than God. (firstly, it was MLK). Now It's
a silver-tongued orator that can sell you a bag-of-ants at bargain prices.
At this rate, the nation will not survive but will follow the bankruptcy
path of Russia, Bolivia and other Latin American Countries. Unfortunately,
when America goes, so does the world's markets.



"The Obama budget claims to cut the deficit in half by 2012, but relies on
audaciously optimistic economic forecasts that no one believes in. Adding
the 'stimulus' bill to a realistic budget baseline yields a projected
2010-2017 cumulative budget deficit of $8.4 trillion - 2.5 times the size of
President Bush's deficits over the same eight-year period." - The Heritage

8.4 trillion! Barack Obama has only been in office for a little over a

That's $8,400,000,000,000.00! That's approximately $28,000 for every
man, woman and child in the United States... a staggering debt of about
$112,000.00 for the average family of four.

And Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid aren't about to stop
there. Like the Energizer Bunny, they want to keep going and going and

Obama still wants to nationalize health-care... he wants to give
billions of your hard-earned tax dollars to third-world dictators and
despots under the guise of combating global poverty... and the Obama
Administration has already hinted that more bailouts may be needed!

Look at just some of what has happened in the past 30 days.

On Friday, Obama proposed a 3.5 trillion dollar federal budget which will
widen the deficit to $1.75 trillion dollars. The federal deficit in 2007 was
$160.7 billion dollars. Obama's own proposed budget calls for a federal
deficit that is almost 11 TIMES THE 2007 DEFICIT!

Timothy (I-Have-Issues-Paying-My-Own-Taxes) Geithner's Treasury Department
announced that American International Group Inc. (AIG), after losing a
RECORD 99.3 billion in 2008, would receive an ADDITIONAL $30 billion in
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) handouts.

General Motors (GM) and Chrysler are angling for another $14 billion and GM
is promising to cut 47,000 jobs - about 20 percent of its workforce - in
exchange for its share of your tax-payer dollars.

And The Chicago Tribune reported: "President Barack Obama will break a
campaign pledge against congressional earmarks and sign a budget bill laden
with millions in lawmakers' pet projects . Taxpayers for Common Sense, a
watchdog group, identified almost 8,600 earmarks totaling $7.7 billion."

At this rate; how much more will that $8.4 trillion figure go up in the
next 30 days?

It has simply got to STOP! It's got to STOP NOW!

It's time for Americans to stick their heads out of the window and - to
borrow a phrase from the classic movie Network - shout to Barack Obama: "I'm
mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

Use the hyperlink below and send your personalized Blast Fax messages to
President Barack Obama and EACH AND EVERY ONE of the Republican and Democrat
Leaders of the House and Senate and tell them that you're not going to take
it anymore!

No more picking the pockets of hard-working Americans. Demand a IMMEDIATE
STOP to these idiotic bailout and wealth redistribution schemes and the
trillion-dollar spending sprees. Enough is enough! Barack Obama says he
wanted to help the overburdened middle-class. Instead he's robbing us blind.
The insanity must stop! Now!


It's Time To Get Plumb Mad-Dog Mean

C. Edmund Wright, writing for the Internet blog, The American Thinker,
quoted Clint Eastwood from the movie, The Outlaw Josie Wales:

"Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it,
then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your
head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it

&nb sp; Wright is right. Simple business-as-usual opposition is not
enough! It's time to get mad-dog mean!

Or to put it in Wright's own words:

"These words... should be engraved on a huge sign in the offices of the
Republican Party. ... Frankly, if someone in the loyal opposition does not
get mean, speedy Barack Obama and the Pelosi-Reid leftist juggernaut will
have turned our nation into a textbook socialist republic faster than you
can name the 57 states. There is nothing short of an all out legislative
assault on our entire way of life... If this country's way of life is worth
fighting for, then it's high time to fight. And that means getting mean.
Plumb mad dog mean."

Remember Rick Santelli's tirade against Obama's so-called mortgage
bailout plan on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade about a week ago!

Santelli's angry denunciation took the Obama White House by surprise.
For a while the Obama White House ignored Santelli. Then suddenly the woods
were on fire. Everybody was sticking his head out the window, protesting
Obama's Marxist bailout scheme.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs went after Santelli by playing the
old class-envy card: "I've watched Mr. Santelli on cable the past 24 hours
or so. I'm not entirely sure where Mr. Santelli lives or in what house he

Gibbs went on and derisively joked that he'd be happy have have a cup
of "Decaffeinated" coffee with Santelli.

But that's not all. Chris Matthews of MSNBC went after Santelli and
accused him of "coming d own hard on Barack."

Left-wing bloggers - the shock-troops of the extreme left - acting in
lock-step to Gibbs' remarks openly snickered and piled on Santelli as well,
but they could not counter what Santelli said on the floor of the Chicago
Board of Trade: "This is either socialism or communism, It isn't
Americanism - and it isn't right."

More to the point; it is REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH. It's Karl Marx's
Communist slogan put into practice right here in the USA - "from each
according to his ability, to each according to his needs."

And that's why it's time to get "plumb mad-dog mean!"

Use the hyperlink below and send your personalized Blast Fax messages to
President Barack Obama and EACH AND EVERY ONE of the Republican and Democrat
Leaders of the House and Senate and tell them that you're not going to take
it anymore!

No more picking the pockets of hard-working Americans. Demand a IMMEDIATE
STOP to these idiotic bailout and wealth redistribution schemes and the
trillion-dollar spending sprees. Enough is enough! Barack Obama says he
wanted to help the overburdened middle-class. Instead he's robbing us blind.
The insanity must stop! Now!

It Isn't Working... Or Is It Working After All?

It's time to face some simple facts. Obama and Pelosi and Reid and
liberals in Congress AREN'T trying to "fix" the economy (at least not as the
American people understand the word) .

What they're doing is using our economic down-turn as a pathetic excuse
to transform the United States into a socialist country.

That's why they keep advancing failed solutions.

In regards to failed solutions, former-Speaker of the House Newt
Gingrich reminds us that we're actually in our FOURTH BAILOUT:

"The Bush - Obama plan started last spring with a $180 billion stimulus
package that failed, then in the summer they had a $345 billion dollar
housing bailout that failed, then in the fall we had a $700 billion Wall
Street bailout that failed, plus a $4 trillion guarantee by Bernanke and the
Fed. Now we have the $780 billion stimulus which I believe will fail. And
that's going to be followed by another... ."

And what effect are these "fixes" having on the economy? The Wall
Street Journal published the following in regards to Obama's mortgage
bailout plan:

"Mr. Obama's mortgage plan is his third big economic rescue proposal in a
month, and perhaps someone in the White House has noticed that financial
markets haven't exactly cheered. Yesterday's end-of-day wrap from UBS put it
this way: 'Obama Speaks, Market Listens, Sells Off.'"

Did you notice what happened when Obama effectively clinched the
Democratic nomination?

Back in June the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) was around 12,500.
With each passing day - as it became more and more apparent that Obama might
actually win the presidency - the market slowly inched down.

On Nov. 4, the day Barack Obama won the presidency, the market (which
had fallen to 9,625) went into free-fall.

A little over two weeks later (Nov. 20) the market fell by another
2,000 points to 7,552!

And the free-fall continues... as we go to press, the DJI is hovering
around 6800!

Obama and Relosi and Reid KNOW their policies and plans to radically
transform America into AMERIKA are driving the market down.

They can be stopped, but that means conservatives in Congress are going
to have to get "plumb mad-dog mean."

Use the hyperlink below and send your personalized Blast Fax messages to
President Barack Obama and EACH AND EVERY ONE of the Republican and Democrat
Leaders of the House and Senate and tell them that you're not going to take
it anymore!

No more picking the pockets of hard-working Americans. Demand a IMMEDIATE
STOP to these idiotic bailout and wealth redistribution schemes and the
trillion-dollar spending sprees. Enough is enough! Barack Obama says he
wanted to help the overburdened middle-class. Instead he's robbing us blind.
The insanity must stop! Now!

Who's Afraid Of Barack Obama?

Let's face it; people are no longer frightened of recession. They're
frightened of Barack Obama - the glib, inexperienced president who thinks he
can solve all problems with socialist solutions.

Even the liberal Brookings Institute is worried. Here's what its
researchers reported about the stimulus package:

"What is more troubling is that, under what we view as optimistic
assumptions, the deficit is projected to average at least $1 trillion per
year for the 10 years after 2009, even if the economy returns to full
employment and the stimulus package is allowed to expire in two years."

Just ten years until our nation returns to solvency, reduced taxes,

Not so, says Brookings:

"The longer-run picture is even bleaker. We estimate a fiscal gap - the
immediate and permanent increase in taxes or reduction in spending that
would keep the long-term debt/GDP ratio at its current level -about 7-9
percent of GDP, or between $1 trillion and $1.3 trillion per year i n
current dollars."

Read that over carefully: We have to "increase taxes" and/or have a
"reduction in spending" JUST TO STAY IN HOCK UP TO OUR EARS.

But Obama's not done yet... not by a long shot. Obama has promised to
rebuild our infrastructure, socialize medicine, end global poverty and fund
trillions of other expensive projects.

Let's get "Plumb mad-dog mean."

Use the hyperlink below and send your personalized Blast Fax messages to
President Barack Obama and EACH AND EVERY ONE of the Republican and Democrat
Leaders of the House and Senate and tell them that you're not going to take
it anymore!

No more picking the pockets of hard-working Americans. Demand a IMMEDIATE
STOP to these idiotic bailout and wealth redistribution schemes and the
trillion-dollar spending sprees. Enough is enough! Barack Obama says he
wanted to help the overburdened middle-class. Instead he's robbing us blind.
The insanity must stop! Now!


Chris Carmouche

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