[StBernard] Conservative Review - Catching Up With Karl Rove

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Mar 24 09:57:53 EDT 2009

Catching Up With Karl Rove
by Bill Steigerwald

Karl Rove retired in 2007 as President George W. Bush's
deputy chief of staff, ace political strategist and
mastermind of public policy. But Rove -- aka "Satan"
to liberals and not always popular with limited-government
conservatives, either -- is very much involved in the
daily warfare of partisan politics. A Fox News contributor
and a columnist for both The Wall Street Journal and
Newsweek, he's also writing a book about his White House
days, traveling the speakers circuit and even becoming a
star on Twitter.com. When I spoke with him by phone on
Tuesday, March 10, from his home in Austin, Texas, the
58-year-old was so upbeat and friendly he began by recit-
ing lines from the Texas state song -- and even offered
to sing it.

Q: If President Obama got really desperate and called
you up and said, "Mr. Rove, give me some advice about
this economic crisis," what would you tell him?

A: I'd say, "Listen to your economic counselor when he
said, 'Any efforts to help the economy should be target-
ed, temporary and timely.' And people respond more to
cuts in their taxes than they do to increases in govern-
ment spending, particularly things that add to baseline
permanent spending."

Q: How do think he's doing so far?

A: Well, he's 50 days in. He's off to a strong start
in many respects. He's put together most of his Cabinet
quickly. He's put together his White House staff quickly.
He's moved aggressively on the executive order front.
He's been helped by his secretary of State, who's hit
the ground running. On the big challenge he faces --
the economy -- his grade is incomplete. But I don't
think that he's been as effective on that front as the
nation would hope.

The economy will recover. The America economy is just
too big and too strong and the American worker and the
American entrepreneur and the innovator are just simply
too productive not for the economy to recover. But the
question is, "Will his policies hasten that day or will
they retard that day?" I'm afraid I'm on the side that
says it's going to retard that day.

The Republicans in the House offered an alternative
stimulus package that emphasized tax cuts, particularly
for people at the bottom. The bottom two tax rates were
cut from 10 percent to 5 percent and 15 percent to 10
percent. And there were small business tax cuts and
then some safety net (items) -- the extension of un-
employment insurance and the expansion of food stamps.
They ran that through the same econometric model the
White House developed to measure its program and found
that for half the cost it created 50 percent more jobs.
The administration insisted upon a pork-laden, big-
spending, expansion of government that at the end of
the day is not going to get the oomph that our economy
needs. It spends more in the years 2011 to 2019 than
it does in 2009. If we're supposed to be stimulating
the economy now, one would think that you would be
focused on giving the economy a jolt here in the short
run, not growing government in the out years.

Q: Are you happy to be an observer and commentator
instead of a player?

A: Yeah. I mean, look, when you walk into the White
House you better walk in with the understanding that
your time there will end. It ends no later than eight
years. I felt honored to work there nearly seven.
You better have enough sense of yourself that you're
not defined by the fact that you're in the White
House or when you leave -- as you have to leave --
you will have a very unpleasant time. I have a fellow
who lives around the corner from me who played a role
in the Reagan administration. If you engage him for
more than five minutes of conversation, he will re-
mind you of it. In a way, it's sort of sad.

Q: Are you happy with the way you are characterized
by your political adversaries and enemies?

A: Much of my definition occurred while I was in the
White House. If I had to define happiness or contentment
with what other people think or seem to think -- that's
not the way to live your life. Particularly when you
work in the White House, how you get defined is outside
your control. The president used to jokingly say,
"Better you than me" when there was some ugly story.
That's just the way it is.

Q: How do you define your personal politics?

A: Well, I'm a compassionate conservative. I believe in
limited government. I believe in markets. I believe in a
robust and strong defense. I believe in traditional
values. And I believe that the conservative movement is
best served by depicting our philosophy the way that it
is -- which is a compassionate and optimistic and hope-
ful agenda that by emphasizing personal freedom and
emphasizing liberty and responsibility gives people the
best chance in life to be all they can be -- to develop
themselves, to grow, to prosper, to seek their own path
in life.

Q: The Bush administration is infamous among libertarians
and old-style traditional conservatives for expanding the
size of government, for spending so much money ..

A: Well, let me ask you that. Look, we're spending more
on the military, no doubt about that. If a libertarian
doesn't like that, fine; we're in a time of war and we
need to. We're spending more on securing the homeland,
defending our borders. We've doubled the size of the
border patrol and tripled its budget. I make no apologies
for that. When it comes to the discretionary domestic
spending budget of the United States, what do you think
our record is?

Q: It probably hasn't grown that much.

A: Well, when we came into office, it was growing a lot
-- 16 percent in one year. That was the FY '01 budget
left us by Bill Clinton. We cut that growth rate in our
FY '02 budget to 7 percent and then to 4 percent in FY
'03, to inflation by FY '05 and essentially flat-lined
it in '06, '07 and '08. It was a hard thing to do, be-
cause not a single Democrat voted for the president's
budget. They didn't offer an alternative budget every
year, but they did almost every year, and those budgets
called for more spending, not less; higher taxes, not
lower taxes; and more deficit, not less deficit.

We had to pass the budget with only Republican votes.
Now the trade-off was that Republicans would insist on
earmarks. We fought them every step of the way. The
ugliest argument I had was not with a Democrat in the
White House but with a Republican in the White House .
yelling at me about the administration's efforts to
rein in earmarks.

But our record on discretionary spending is good -- and
unknown. On mandatory spending, we're the guys who
stood up and said let's reform Social Security and let's
reform Medicare. We're the guys who stood up and said we
have a problem coming in entitlements and let us put
this on the table as no other president has been willing
to do in a comprehensive fashion, because we need to
address this. Now did we succeed? No. But we made it
possible for future presidents and future congresses to
tackle a problem that absolutely must be tackled --
which is mandatory spending.

Q: What do you say when someone says to you that "politics
is a dirty, rotten, slimy business and it causes all the
problems in the country"?

A: Well, democracy is at the heart of our system. The
"American Experiment" is based around democracy, which
requires elections. Have elections always been pristine
and sacrosanct? No. In fact, read the rhetoric of the
1800 campaign and you'll be shocked. It would make the
Swift Boat veterans and Americans United for Change look
like pansies by comparison. The things that John Adams
said about Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson, the
sainted Thomas Jefferson, hired a notorious libeler and
installed him as an editor of a Democratic-Republican
newspaper in Richmond, Virginia, to libel John Adams,
and the things he routinely wrote in his editorial
columns are vicious . .

American politics has always been tough and American
politics today is in many respects less tough than it
was before, because now, with national media and with
the Internet and with cable TV and with network TV and
large national newspapers covering presidential races
with a lot of resources, it's more akin to the emperor's
new clothes. At the end of the parade, people are going
to see the candidates as they are -- strengths and
weaknesses -- and hopefully see them on their better
days and make the best decision they can. As a result,
if you go over the top -- if you say things that people
perceive as unfair and not appropriate to the campaign
-- they'll discipline you by not giving you their vote.

Q: Did the Bush years damage the Republican Party and
hurt its credibility in terms of those old-fashioned
GOP principles -- limited government, fiscal prudence,

A: Look, I would say, less the Bush administration. ...
Again, I repeat, yeah, we're spending more on the
military. But we were the guys who ratcheted down dis-
cretionary domestic spending. We're not the guys who
believed in earmarks. Now I understand there is always
a tension between what Congress wants and what an
executive wants. And I would readily concede that the
earmarks hurt us, no ifs, ands or buts about it. But
that wasn't the administration. "The Bridge to Nowhere"
took all the good that we had done in ratcheting down
discretionary spending and washed it all away, no ifs,
ands or buts about it.

Q: Can the Republican Party regain its stature and

A: Oh absolutely. Oh absolutely.

Q: But there are some like David Frum who say the GOP
has to give up on its limited-government, small-"g"
government attitude and become more Democrat lite.

A: Yeah, there are people who believe that -- I recog-
nize it. There are also people who would be enthusiastic
if we did it -- namely a lot of Democrats. Remember,
Barack Obama won in part by campaigning against some
traditional liberal values. He emphasized he would cut
taxes for 95 percent of Americans. He did not emphasize
in equal measure that he would raise taxes on the top
5 percent.

In fact, I did an interesting little study -- excuse
me one second here while I open the garage door. He
emphasized that he was going to cut taxes for 95 per-
cent of Americans and for every four words in a stump
speech that he devoted to that on average he devoted
one word to talking about raising taxes and most of
the time his language was essentially that they would
simply go back to where they were in the Clinton years.
In fact, in the most-watched speech of the entire
campaign -- his convention speech -- he talks about
cutting taxes for 95 percent of Americans and never
mentions one word about raising taxes. Also he didn't
emphasize during the campaign that he was going to
raise $600 billion in taxes by putting a tax on carbon
-- the cap-and-trade system.

So he ran essentially on the taxes as a conservative.
... The same with health care. You saw it in Pennsyl-
vania. The second-most-widely shown spot of the entire
Obama campaign was a spot called "Government-run health
care extreme." That's a pretty extreme thing to go out
there and wang on government-run health care as extreme.
What's the impression that's left by running 10 gazill-
ion ads on that? So my point is, even Democrats recog-
nize the strength of the limited-government theme. They
understand that the American people -- while we are a
practical people and while we want to get things done
-- have a suspicion of centralized power and big govern-
ment as the vehicle to get things done.

Q: You've been demonized by the mainstream media and
liberals in general. Is there any one criticism of you
that rankles you the most because it is either unfair
or wrong?

A: Well, look, nothing rankles me. Frankly, part of the
reason that they say ugly things is to get under my skin,
so I'm not going to let them. Let me just say this:
There are lots of myths about me. I'm like Grendel from
"Beowulf." I get talked about a lot but people don't
really know who I am. I'm writing a book and I'm going
to deal with "the myths of Rove" and all these lovely
things people say, but I am going to do so without rancor.
Some people don't like me -- fine. Other people in the
press believe it is their job to take everybody and whack
them around. I drive liberals nuts -- I understand that
-- or some liberals nuts. I actually have good friends
who are liberals. But I'll deal with it in my book.

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