[StBernard] 13 Digits of Debt

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Mar 24 19:19:20 EDT 2009

Currently, I am fighting against a particularly irresponsible plan from the Obama administration for your children’s’ future. President Obama recently released his budget and it promises to spend this country bankrupt. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office predicts that Obama’s budget will product $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next ten years.

This means that long after president Obama is out of office, taxpayers will be on the hook for $9,300,000,000,000.00.

These actions of the Obama administration are purely irresponsible – and at a time when we need the government to provide responsible and well-thought solutions. Team, I will do everything I can to fight the passage of this budget. And you can help me by signing up to join my team <http://www.davidvitter.com/index.php/volunteer.html> or making a secure online donation <http://www.davidvitter.com/index.php/donate.html> .

We cannot stand idly by as the Obama Administration uses the current economic crisis to further their irresponsible liberal agenda of Government growth. A $9.3 trillion deficit will need to be repaid by taxpayers. And this large a deficit will have to be repaid for years to come. Please join my fight for responsibility. <http://www.davidvitter.com/index.php/donate.html>

Thank you,


P.S. The Obama administration is acting irresponsibly by trying to spend America into a $9.3 trillion deficit. Please help me fight for responsible government today by joining my team, or making a secure online donation <http://www.davidvitter.com/index.php/donate.html> . Every little bit helps. Thanks.

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