[StBernard] Movement to Fire Janet Napolitano Afoot

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sun Apr 19 11:24:55 EDT 2009


Mainstream Americans are NOT terrorists. Our friends at GrassTopsUSA are
starting a movement to fire DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano!

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We want Janet Napolitano FIRED!

And just so it's perfectly clear, we DON'T want her to resign (either
gracefully or in disgrace) and we DON'T want an apology, whether it's
sincere or backhanded, like the 'slap-in-the-face' apology she gave the men
and women who have wore a uniform and proudly served this country.

We want Janet Napolitano FIRED... and we want it yesterday!

You see, the problem is not just that Janet Napolitano's Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) put together a so-called anti-terrorism security
assessment that targets mainstream Americans as dangerous extremists.

We're talking about people who believe that our government is too large
and taxes us too much, or that the 2nd Amendment actually gives people the
right to bear arms, or that our immigration laws should be strictly enforced
or, horror of all horrors, that life actually begins at conception.

And the problem is not simply that this so-called security assessment
targets patriotic Americans - and they are talking about YOU - as "right
wing extremists," or, as Peter Kirsanow, with the U.S. Commission on Human
Rights put it:

“That DHS report warning about all manner of ‘right-wing extremists’ could
be considerably shortened if it simply alerted law-enforcement officials to
be on the lookout for people from ‘small towns (who are) bitter (and) cling
to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or
anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment.’”

The problem is that this is the same Janet Napolitano who just recently
told us that horrendous, unspeakable acts committed by actual terrorists
should be called “man-caused disasters."

Specifically she told Der Spiegel:

“In my speech, although I did not use the word 'terrorism,' I referred to
'man-caused' disasters. That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates
that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being
prepared for all risks that can occur.”

So... when it comes to actual acts or threats of terrorism against
mainstream Americans, we should move beyond the "politics of fear."

But patriotic Americans like YOU pose a real threat to the government.

Is it actually possible that Napolitano and Barack Obama and even some
within the Obama Administration are so twisted to believe that Islamic
Terrorists are the good guys and that you are the bad guys?

Syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin in Thursday's Washington Times:

“What and who exactly are President Obama’s homeland security officials
afraid of these days? If you are a member of an active conservative group
that opposes abortion, favors strict immigration enforcement, lobbies to
protect Second Amendment rights, protests big government, advocates
federalism, or represents veterans who believe in any of the above, the
answer is: You.”

If what is contained in this leaked DHS security assessment does not
bring you to the realization that it is time for all patriotic Americans who
love freedom to stand up and shout that we're not going to take it
anymore... it is quite possible that nothing will.

So, here's what we're going to do. We're going to make it very clear
that we want drastic action. We're going to make it very clear that Janet
Napolitano needs to go. We're going to make it very clear that we want her
FIRED - PERIOD... no resignations will be allowed... no meaningless
apologies will be accepted.

We're going to bang this issue like a gong. If Obama fires her...
great. If he doesn't... then so much the better. Either way, the American
people will know the score!

Let's get to work.

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages
to Barack Obama and each and every Member of the Leadership of the House
and the Senate.

Tell them that the recently leaked DHS security assessment is so repulsive
that rational, freedom-loving individuals are disgusted by it. Let Barack
Obama know that there can be no middle ground. If he is repulsed by what is
contained in this report, the only natural and acceptable reaction is to
FIRE Janet Napolitano immediately... no apologies should be accepted... even
her resignation should not be allowed.

Let Barack Obama and our elected officials know, in no uncertain terms, that
ANY action other than the immediate termination of Janet Napolitano
constitutes a clear admission that Obama, in fact, supports the chilling
implications of this DHS monstrosity.


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We're Talking About All Of You Bitter People Out There Who Cling To Guns And

Malkin is not alone. Syndicated radio talk-show host Michael Reagan
went so far as to ask the following:

“Have we really come to this? Has Adolf Hitler's propaganda chief Joseph
Goebbels been reborn and recruited by the Obama administration to scare the
heck out of the American people with absurdities such as this whacked-out

Lance Fairchok writing for AmericanThinker.com hits the nail squarely
on the head.

Calling this so-called security assessment "a shot across the bow" he
plainly states that DHS is NOT simply referring to individuals living on
society's fringe.

The assessment is, in fact, referring to YOU and patriotic Americans
like you.

Moreover, Fairchok believes this assessment was hastily and sloppily
written in order to fit a sick and disgusting preconceived notion:

"It is amateurish, poorly written and its logic is absurdly shallow. It
sounds as if it was cobbled together from bits and pieces of dated research
to quickly fill a short notice requirement."

And advance a sick and disgusting agenda:

"This 'assessment' is not an analysis of a national trend or an examination
of existing evidence or even recent radical literature; it is targeting
those whose politics fall within the broad insinuations contained within its
pages, namely mainstream conservatives."

Judge Andrew Napolitano with FOX News essentially says the same thing:

"The summary contains few proper names, has no footnotes of any
significance, lists very few sources, and is drafted with a prejudice
against anyone who criticizes the role of the federal government in our
lives today. It lumps together in its definition of 'rightwing extremism'
hate groups, anti-government groups, and single issue groups 'such as
opposition to abortion or immigration.'”

Let's state it more plainly. As far as Janet Napolitano's DHS is
concerned, if you are pro-life or believe in strict enforcement of our
immigration laws, or if you attended one of those TEA parties, you're the
same as a neo-Nazi, or a member of the KKK. You are dangerous you are a
threat to Obama's Amerika.

Is it possible that when Barack Obama spoke of bitter people from small
towns who cling to God and their guns that he was not just simply being

Is it possible that pointing out that Barack Obama sat in a Church for
years listening to a lunatic pontificate, "Not God Bless America... God D___
America" WAS relevant after all?

There's only one way to find out.

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages
to Barack Obama and each and every Member of the Leadership of the House
and the Senate.

Tell them that the recently leaked DHS security assessment is so repulsive
that rational, freedom-loving individuals are disgusted by it. Let Barack
Obama know that there can be no middle ground. If he is repulsed by what is
contained in this report, the only natural and acceptable reaction is to
FIRE Janet Napolitano immediately... no apologies should be accepted... even
her resignation should not be allowed.

Let Barack Obama and our elected officials know, in no uncertain terms, that
ANY action other than the immediate termination of Janet Napolitano
constitutes a clear admission that Obama, in fact, supports the chilling
implications of this DHS monstrosity.


If button above does not work, use the hyperlink
or copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser and hit return.

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet.

What purpose can be served by a document that classifies mainstream
Americans as "extremists" who pose a clear and danger to our security?

Fairchok again:

"It is a manipulative information tool intended to paint the loyal
opposition as reactionary kooks who are prone to violence and a danger to
the country. ... This is part of a more widespread ongoing information
campaign to plant and reinforce critical themes into the American official,
and broader public psyche, a continuation of the 'clinging to guns and
religion' message so frequently found in the rhetoric of President Obama and
his acolytes."

And Fairchok concludes by issuing a very somber warning.

"And we ain't seen nothin yet."

But what is even more disturbing is that DHS NEVER intended the public
to see this so-called security assessment. It was a secret.

Reagan again:

“Obviously recognizing that public knowledge of the nonsense alleged in this
document is very undesirable, the weirdoes who prepared it did not want you
to see it. ... They warn: ‘No portion of the LES (Law Enforcement Sensitive)
information should be released to the media, the general public, or over
non-secure Internet servers.’"

Judge Napolitano pretty much said the same thing:

"The document itself cautions the reader that the document is 'not to be
released to the public, the media, or other personnel who do not have a
valid need-to-know without prior approval' of the DHS. The document refers
to itself as one of a series of intelligence assessments intended to 'deter,
prevent, preempt, or respond to terrorist attacks against the United

But that's not the half of it.

Are you ready for this?

The portion of this so-called security assessment that was leaked is
only a SUMMARY.

The bulk of it remains CLASSIFIED. We have no idea what's in it.

Judge Napolitano continues:

"The summary (unclassified) document is terrifying. One can only imagine
what is contained in the classified version. This document runs directly
counter to numerous U.S. Supreme decisions prohibiting the government from
engaging in any activities that could serve to chill the exercise of
expressive liberties. Liberties are chilled, in constitutional parlance,
when people are afraid to express themselves for fear of government
omnipresence, monitoring, or reprisals. The document also informs the reader
that Big Brother is watching both public and private behavior."

But whatever else is in there... it can not be pretty.

Judge Napolitano yet again:

"My guess is that the sentiments revealed in the report I read are the tip
of an iceberg that the DHS would prefer to keep submerged until it needs to
reveal it. This iceberg is the heavy-hand of government; a government with
large and awful eyes, in whose heart there is no love for freedom, and on
whose face there is no smile."

There is no time to lose, we must act now.

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages
to Barack Obama and each and every Member of the Leadership of the House
and the Senate.

Tell them that the recently leaked DHS security assessment is so repulsive
that rational, freedom-loving individuals are disgusted by it. Let Barack
Obama know that there can be no middle ground. If he is repulsed by what is
contained in this report, the only natural and acceptable reaction is to
FIRE Janet Napolitano immediately... no apologies should be accepted... even
her resignation should not be allowed.

Let Barack Obama and our elected officials know, in no uncertain terms, that
ANY action other than the immediate termination of Janet Napolitano
constitutes a clear admission that Obama, in fact, supports the chilling
implications of this DHS monstrosity.


If button above does not work, use the hyperlink
or copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser and hit return.

Chris Carmouche

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