[StBernard] A Proposition: Would you become my slave?

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Fri Aug 7 16:05:51 EDT 2009

Let's make a deal?

Would you sell yourself to me? Literally, I mean would you become my slave
and I your master? Here's the deal...and we'll sign legal documents before
lawyers to make it all legal.

You sign yourself over to me. I will own you - your legs, your arms, your
head, your heart, your soul - "everything" there is to you will be my
personal property, no different from the house I own or my car or my

What you get in return: I will provide a house for you (of my choosing), I
will provide work for you do each day (a job of my choosing), I will educate
and bring you up to things on that which I see fit, I will provide you with
healtcare coverage - it'll be something along the lines of what military
veterans get through the VA system - and I'm sure you've heard the stories
of how wonderful that medical system is. So don't worry, I will provide for
you and make all decisions for you so you don't have to worry your little
self about anything. You get all of this for one little, nothing of a
price...I get to own you - I will own your freedom. You will in fact be my

So, do we have a deal?

No, we don't???? Wait a second, I don't get it. Why don't we have a deal?
This is really a great offer.

I must be missing something here. If you don't want to accept my offer then
why in the world would you want to go along with Obama's and the Democratic
Party's idea of universal healthcare? In fact, why would you go along with
ANY of Obama's ideas which are based moderately in socialism but primarily
in communism? After all, Obama's offer is for the government to take care
of you, right - just as I proposed? Use any vocabulary or terms you wish,
but what it all comes down to is the good ole terms of MASTER and SLAVE.

Just in case you forgot your history lessons, this is precisely the same
reason our founding fathers revolted against a tyrant of King in George III
of England.

So, it appears you do have some sense of right from wrong after all, don't
you? Maybe you do have some sense of the difference between "liberty and
free choice" from "tyranny and dictorship."

Think about it then pass this on to everyone you know. A little dramatic?
Sure. Precisely right on the mark? You bet your ass it is!

John Scurich
Lacombe, Louisiana

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