[StBernard] AARP Wasting Millions of its members' dues on deceiving commerical

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Mon Sep 14 07:56:32 EDT 2009

The AARP has decided to waste millions of dollars of dues from their senior
citizen members on an ad campaign the overwhelming majority of its members
are against. It has produced and purchased millions in airtime of show a
commercial that intentionally misleads millions of seniors into thinking
that any opposition to House Resolution (HR) 3200, commonly known as
Obamacare, is based on lies, rumors and exaggerations. When in fact, it is
the AARP that is deceiving the country - and they don't even try to had
their liberal bias.

In the commercial, the AARP chooses sides - not just tell people there's
more to look at than beats the eye - they actually "endorse" the Democratic
Party's Obamacare bill by telling people to contact those (any members of
Congress who oppose it) and tell them you want the current proposed
healthcare reform passed. The AARP even goes further to outright lie to
people by saying in the commercial that the Obamacare reform will actually
lower the cost of healthcare, when in fact the Congressional Budget Office
has released at least two different letters in the past two weeks clearing
stating that the White House and sponsors of the bill are incorrect in their
projections, and HR 3200 will in fact "increase the cost of healthcare to
the federal budget and increase the national deficity for at least the next
ten years."

The AARP conveniently fails to mention this in their commercial.

Let me suggest every member of AARP contact its national office and insist
they pull the ad that intentionally misleads and lies to the nation. It
would appear Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina might have been right
after all. It is good to finally see in the light of day that the AARP is
in bed with Obama and the liberal-socialist wing of the Democratic Party.

John Scurich

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