[StBernard] Melancon Has Obama's Back

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Sep 15 21:05:59 EDT 2009

Melancon Has Obama's Back

Republican Party of Louisiana Chairman Roger F. Villere Jr. released the
following statement following Charlie Melancon's vote to reprimand Rep. Joe
Wilson (R-SC):

"Rep. Joe Wilson has already apologized for interrupting the President's
health care speech, despite the fact that he was right. There is no
enforcement mechanism to insure illegal immigrants are not granted coverage
under the democrat's proposals and there are no safeguards to explicitly
prevent Louisiana taxpayers from paying for abortions .

Despite Rep. Wilson's apology for the interrupting with the truth, Charlie
Melancon marched lock step with Barack Obama and liberal interest groups by
voting to publicly reprimand Rep. Wilson. Considering Charlie Melancon voted
to allow abortion supporters the chance they needed to include pro abortion
language in the Obama health care bill, Melancon should know that Joe Wilson
was right. Obamacare does not include safeguards to protect Louisiana
taxpayers from paying for abortion or illegal immigrants health care.

Congressman Melancon likes to talk about bipartisanship but as usual his
record just doesn't match his rhetoric. Once again, Charlie Melancon has
walked the National Democrat Party line, though that really should come as
no surprise considering he votes with Speaker Pelosi 93% of the time and
President Obama 84% of the time."

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