[StBernard] RNC Statement On Pelosi Health Care Bill Passage

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Mon Nov 9 08:05:55 EST 2009


WASHINGTON - Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele
released the following statement today:

"Today with help from their liberal House allies, President Obama and Nancy
Pelosi finally got what they have been creating behind closed doors these
past months - a government-run health care experiment that will increase
families' health care costs, increase the deficit, increase taxes on small
businesses and the middle class, and cut Medicare. As the elections in
Virginia and New Jersey clearly showed, the American people oppose bigger
government, more federal spending, and higher taxes. Broad, bipartisan
opposition to this bill was on full display this evening, and the Democrats
who ultimately voted for Nancy Pelosi's liberal health care plan will have
to answer to their constituents.

"Nancy Pelosi and her liberal lieutenants made a lot of promises today to
get the votes they desperately needed. Make no mistake - the Democrat
leadership's assurances were based on political expediency, not principle.
Anyone receiving a promise from Pelosi is guaranteed to be disappointed in
the end when their votes are no longer needed.

"Americans want a common-sense bipartisan approach to health care reform,
not President Obama's and Nancy Pelosi's costly, 1,990-page government-run
experiment on our nation's health care system. The House Republican
solution to health care reform is the right direction for America, but Nancy
Pelosi had no interest in bipartisanship, choosing instead to force her
costly government-run experiment on the American people."


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