[StBernard] How the liberal Democrats deceive onhealthcare statistics

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Fri Nov 13 07:21:10 EST 2009

Jer, I couldn't agree more!


-----Original Message-----
" What follows is a perfect example of how the "radical" liberal Democrats
in D.C. will say anything they think sounds to convince you of their
position -" John Scurich

Jer Responds:

Good discussion, John.

Thusly, if I can go a step further and it's getting repeated many times by
me. IF (strong IF), the current congress/senators wish to take the route
following the extremist views of the socialist, Reid, Pelosi, and 0-B-1,
this makes every one of them "guilty by association". In this manner,
consider the crimes against Americans here. Falling economy, horrific
welfare/communistic ObamaCare health bill, deflating dollar, immoral
statutes, --all criminal activities against the goodness and ever
moral-seeking Americans.

IF they continue their quest for socialism in America, the house and senate,
being guilty by associating with the 3 stooges agenda--mark themselves as
socialist themselves. Calling them radical liberal Democrats is being
gentle with the type of leadership each and every one is attempting to
thwart the American way of life toward an archaic form of government (ie.
1917 revolution and the 1950's cold war).

I don't care if it's a Republican voting in their favor or what the liberals
call blue-nose or brown nose: siding with these socialists is bringing into
our nation an atmosphere of destruction via their cause.

Many great Americans today will feel the hell-fire sting for eons to come
simply based on what has transpired in the past year to date.

I've sat in long lines for 2 days before at a charity hospital awaiting
treatment. Yes, they need Charity hospitals, but making all hospitals,
doctors, medical centers and waiting rooms have an equal-playing field is
beyond comprehension. The middle class will find illegals, "low class"
individuals, and those unable to afford any kind of care (ie, out of work,
low-income, etc.) will be in the same rooms at your doctors offices
increasing the wait time, paper work galore, red tape bureaucracy to detain
and devalue the experience and much more distasteful moments are ahead
simply because this foreigner who claims to be born in Hawaii wants all to
be "comrades" in arms, brotherhood of equals and other socialists attributes
together. His communistic Utopia.



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