[StBernard] How the liberal Democrats deceive on healthcare

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Nov 17 08:09:36 EST 2009


If I'm reading you correctly, I'll add to all those who have some sort of
warped thinking that their employers are "obligated" to pay towards a
healthcare package....what if your employer decided to say "that's it, we're
out of here and moving to South America where we can get good, productive
employees to work for less than half plus we won't have to pay them any kind
of benenfits." So my question is...do you prefer to be in the unemployment
line with no decent income coming in or are you satisfied with a job where
your employer at least gives you some kind of healthcare benefit, not to
mention a regular salary?

John, I was responding to Westley's comment about having health care through
his wife's job and commented that I doubted he would be able to find a
private policy to cover a family for that same $650 that he referenced as
the costs. Westley was the one who said he wasn't happy with what they had.

>From what I've read on this, health insurance being tied to employment began

sometime during or right after WWII as a benefit to get workers to work for
a particular company. One of the "perks" as you said. Oh and btw, better
check those South American countries. They may have universal health care
and yeah that would be an enticement for an employer because it's one less
cost a company has to bear. ;-)


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