[StBernard] This week: Haiti, health care and coastal restoration

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Fri Jan 15 20:14:06 EST 2010

Dear Friends,

Congress is out of session until next week, but I've been very busy
this week, both in Washington and in Louisiana. With a heavy heart, I'm
monitoring the devastation in Haiti, while working to lessen Louisiana's
vulnerability to natural disasters. I've also been following closely
Congress's effort to provide access to health care to all Americans. Read on
to learn more.

Disaster in Haiti

This week, Haiti has suffered unimaginable destruction. Sen. Landrieu and
her staff have been closely tracking the situation, and have been active in
a variety of activities to aid the rescue and recovery efforts, including:

* Helping Louisianians locate friends and family in Haiti,
* Coordinating Louisiana efforts to offer products or services to help
rescuers and survivors, and
* Encouraging Louisianians to help in whatever way possible.

Sen. Landrieu encourages those still trying to locate family members to call
1-888-407-4747. For more information about relief efforts, please visit the
Department of State's website
00052761.5702.191&gen=1&mailing_linkid=5885> , and to find out how you can
help, visit whitehouse.gov
00052761.5702.191&gen=1&mailing_linkid=5886> or USAID
00052761.5702.191&gen=1&mailing_linkid=5887> . If you wish to contact Sen.
Landrieu's office for additional information, see the contact information at
the bottom of this e-mail.

To read Sen. Landrieu's statement on the earthquake, click here
00052761.5702.191&gen=1&mailing_linkid=5888> .

Health Care Negotiations

This week, leaders from the House and Senate are making progress on a
compromise bill that will expand access to heath care, while increasing
competition and lowering costs for individuals, businesses and the
government. As the final product emerges, Senator Landrieu will be looking
for the inclusion of six priorities that she has championed throughout the
health care debate. To watch her statement on the negotiations, click here
00052761.5702.191&gen=1&mailing_linkid=5889> .


Vermilion Parish Coastal Protection


> Sen. Landrieu travelled to Vermilion Parish on Monday to hold a community

meeting on coastal protection
00052761.5702.191&gen=1&mailing_linkid=5883> . The parish suffers from
perennial flooding problems, and was badly damaged by several hurricanes
over the last four years. During the meeting, she discussed the legislation
she championed that would give Louisiana a share of offshore oil and gas
revenue, which would create a dedicated funding source for coastal
restoration programs. But Sen. Landrieu also touched on the red tape and
00052761.5702.191&gen=1&mailing_linkid=5884> that are holding up critical
projects, and pointed to the Netherlands-a country much of which is below
sea level-as a model where government, universities and businesses pool
resources, and benefit as a result.

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