[StBernard] Open Letter to Senators & Representatives

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Wed Jan 20 20:31:59 EST 2010

To all,

I am sending the following message to all listed below. If you feel
strongly that the "changes" to Healthcare will put your benefits in jeopardy
and that fiscal bailouts of automobile and financial institutions are not in
your best interest, then you should write also. Feel free to copy & paste
if these sentiments represent yours.

Hey - do we have your attention yet?

Scott Brown (Republican) defeated Martha Coakley (Democrat) by over 10% in a
"Democratically" controlled State - Massachusetts!

We, THE PEOPLE, DO NOT want "change" that diminishes our medical benefits or
mortgages the financial security of our children, grand children and great
grand children, just to make you popular today by "buying" votes.

Open your ears and listen to THE PEOPLE - not your party leaders. To do
otherwise will put YOU in jeopardy!


Your Name

Senator Mary Landrieu

Senator David Vitter

Representative Steve Scalise - zip 70002:

Representative Anh "Joseph" Cao - zip 70124:

Representative Charlie Melancon - zip 70360

Representative John C. Fleming - zip 71105

Representative Rodney Alexander - zip 71201

Representative Bill Cassidy - zip 70808

Representative Charles Boustany - zip 70501

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