[StBernard] Open Letter to Senators & Representatives

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Jan 21 09:05:52 EST 2010


There's even better news on the horizon. Go to rasmussen.com and see his
very recent polling numbers in 13 key states where an incumbent Democrat is
running - or there's an incumbent Democrat retiring creating an open seat.
Not counting Massachusetts, of these 13 states, if the elections were held
today, Republicans are in the position to win 11 of them - 10 for sure with
another looking good at this time. If this holds, after this Fall's
elections the GOP could have 51 or 52 seats in the Senate. Talk about your

But wait Jer, it gets even better...in 2012 many of the Democrats who won
U.S. senate seats by defeating incumbent Republicans are up for reelection.
It is these particular Demos most consider to have brought in the most
radical liberalism. Most of them are already in trouble according to local
polls. It's estimated that anywhere from 8 to 14 Democratic incumbents
could lose their seats to GOP candidates. Do the math, the GOP in 2012
could very likely then have 60+ seats in the senate.

In just over two years my predictions will come true that the Democrats
sweep into office will become the biggest political bust in U.S. history.

Ann Coulter made a great comment the other night which I feel sums up what
has happened in this country. She said, "what happens in this country is
the Republicans and conservatives gain a majority of Congress because the
people don't like what the Democrats stand for. Then after Republicans are
in control for several years, people start to forget what it was they didn't
like about the Democrats. So they vote the Democrats back into office.
Then after about a year or so of being back in power, the American people go
'oh yeah, now we remember what we didn't like about Democrats', then they
vote the Republicans right back into power for another ten years or so -
until we start to forget again."

Coulter's comment is short, sweet and nails it. Perhaps my only
disagreement with her is I believe the American people are going to take
much longer to forget what the Democrats have done. All Republicans have to
do for this to happen is stick to conservative principles. Hell, I'm aready
hearing people who called George W. Bush an "idiot" are the very some people
who are now saying "maybe Bush wasn't so bad and could have been right about
some things."

Yes, "change" is coming - but it's not the kind of change Obama was hoping

John Scurich

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