[StBernard] Pumps in New Orleans

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Thu Mar 18 22:16:52 EDT 2010

This is what Carl was telling me about. I just started to look at it, but
it's very lengthy and detailed, but the community should pay attention.
Didn't know if Wesley knew about it or not?

Here's a link to the site I told you about yesterday about the Pumps in New
Orleans. Matt McBride (an engineer) started this site in 2006 and continued
till late 2007 when he got fed up with the inaction and cover-ups of the
Corps' shoddy workmanship and shady dealings. He started posting again in
Sept 2009 till Dec 2009. It's a long and detailed read but he backs up his
claims with pictures and links to official documents. I used to keep up with
this daily as he posted. Going back and reading all of the detailed posts
can be very tedious due to the volume and details. It's a great example of
how we've been lied to and short-changed on the supposed "protection" that
our tax dollars paid for. It's no wonder the levees failed and will fail
again due to the corruption in the Corps and governmental coverups that
occurred after Katrina.


Lisa Perry

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