[StBernard] Hutters House Bill 758

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Tue Jun 1 08:09:23 EDT 2010


With the Feds talking to the judge and then feds (FBI? I forgot) having a
look-see in the clerk's office, I'd say those folks as you listed below,
might be more concerned about what might be hitting them with the Feds and
not the state. Jim Letten seems to be slow, but very methodical.



I got a call the other day from a so called "St. Bernard political
They say most laws pushed by St. Bernard legislators is usually to
someone close to home. This "insider" told me Nita's bill could
something to do with protecting those St. Bernard public officials
that have
something to do with the Meraux Foundation scandal. Hmmm, wonder
who this
person could have been referencing? At least with Nita's law (if it
the Senate), their thinking is it could discourage some
whistleblowers (who
might have some knowledge of the goings on with the foundation) from

Anyway, the good news is this bill has a tough fight in the Senate
and I've
heard Jindal will veto it anyway - and neither the house nor senate
have enough votes to override the governor's veto. At least let's
hope so.

- John

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