[StBernard] Obama throws America under U.N. bus

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Mon Aug 30 22:07:04 EDT 2010

Liberty Counsel
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman


Last week, I shared with you that President Obama just issued
the first-ever report to the United Nations chronicling
alleged "human rights violations" right here in America.

This scathing report is one of the worst humiliations that
any president has ever placed on America's citizens - charging
you and me with human rights violations and exposing our
nation to international ridicule and criticism.

I want you to read this anti-America report to the U.N. for
yourself. Go here to download now:


++How President Obama is throwing us under the bus.

Even a casual reading of this U.N. report makes it clear
that Barack Obama is sacrificing America's best interests
for his maniacal desire for globalism...while pushing his
socialist agenda as the only solution for America's so-called
human rights violations!

Has there ever been a president of a sovereign nation so
determined to undermine the welfare of his own country?
Quite frankly, enough is enough!

That's why I'm asking you to join with me in signing Liberty
Counsel's "Vote of No Confidence" in the Obama Presidency.
After all that President Obama has done in his year and a
half in office - and especially considering this outrageous
U.N. report against our nation - it is time for citizens to
stand and say "No more!"

Tens of thousands have already signed, and I believe
such actions of citizen protest are the first,
critical step to turning our nation back to our
foundations of faith and liberty. Please go here
right now to join me in signing:


++A serious statement from serious citizens.

Our "Vote of No Confidence" is a very serious statement -
among the strongest political statements that can be made
in a system of representative government. Under the
parliamentary systems of many nations, a vote of "No
Confidence" against the ruling government can result in
the removal of an existing government and the forcing of
new elections.

The governments of several countries have already faced
or may soon face "No Confidence" votes this year.

It's time for American citizens to stand up by
the hundreds of thousands and issue our own
"Vote of No Confidence" in the Obama administration!

This latest outrageous act is the tipping point - daring to
humiliate American citizens in front of the U.N. for so-called
"violations" that are straight from the Obama/socialist playbook...

...high unemployment rates (a human rights violation?)

...so-called hate crimes?

...poverty and poor housing?

...lack of access to health care?

...hiring discrimination against homosexuals?

In truth, President Obama's "report to the U.N." is a laundry
list of liberal/socialist activist agenda items packaged as
"human rights violations" and then aired out in front of
the world! And let's be clear: These charges of "human
rights violations" are not coming from our enemies abroad...

They are coming from Barack Obama, the President of the
United States of America!

The founders of our country spoke of a "long train of abuses"
and a "history of repeated injuries and usurpations" when
justifying our separation from Great Britain. Just like
King George, Barack Obama is heaping "insults" like this U.N.
statement upon "injuries" to our economy, our faith and our
very way of life.

That's why I'm asking you to seriously...and prayerfully...
consider joining with me and tens of thousands of citizens
who have signed Liberty Counsel's "Vote of No Confidence."

Go here:


Vigilance in defense of the God-given ideals of liberty as
laid out in our founding documents is the only hope for our
nation! And vigilance starts with a statement and a stand.
That's why I'm asking you to sign our "Vote of No Confidence."
Go here:


THANK YOU so much for your participation with me in this great
movement of citizen action that I believe will go a long way
toward restoring our nation to its godly heritage. May God
richly bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

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