[StBernard] Please keep me informed!

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Mon Feb 28 07:36:37 EST 2011

Sorry for your loss. The issue of a traffic study is interesting. Perhaps
someone could check with the Council members to see if the development site
by the funeral home required a zoning change and if the Council accepted a
traffic report or not? This highlights the reason why our code of
ordinances chapter 22 needs revisions which are more protective, not just
for density, such as with multi-family apartment developments, but for all
kinds of issues from traffic with commercial use of Judge Perez corner
restaurants to explosion hazards at refineries and their proximity to homes.

The noise issue is also interesting. I was told noise in general is
enforced by the SBSO, but noise from industry is enforced by the Fire Dept.
The noise after 10pm only has to be at 65 decibels or lower. The noise
during the day can be any level within OSHA's 85 dbs limit. Just ask the
residents who live down the road by all the new cement mixer businesses (for
the levees).....65 dbs at your location at night is not good for sleeping.
Jefferson Parish has more protective noise limits, I think it may be around
50 or 55 dbs. But please, lets not limit noise from apartments but let the
industries go full volume. We need comprehensive changes which will protect
our health and safety.---- SJK

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