[StBernard] The Fight to Lower Gas Prices Starts Here at Home

Westley Annis Westley at da-parish.com
Sat Apr 2 17:10:09 EDT 2011

Dear Friend,

Just one year ago, the average price at the pump for a gallon of gas was
$2.80. Today, that figure has climbed above $3.50, with no relief in sight.
With Louisiana families' budgets tight, an extra 70 cents per gallon is a
significant financial burden.

In a speech this week, President Obama offered some vague platitudes, but no
concrete plans to rein in those prices, even as they climb toward $4 per
gallon. Even worse, his administration has sent a loan of more than $2
billion to Brazil
_id=> to expand its offshore drilling operations.

What's most infuriating to us in Louisiana is that all of this is happening
as the President's own Interior Department buries Gulf Coast energy projects
under a mountain of regulations. Under Obama, Interior has largely refused
to issue permits to energy-producing companies here at home.

This week, I laid out a far different path by introducing new legislation
&ContentRecord_id=119684d8-bfc8-fe89-42f0-c3043a817043> - 3-D: The Domestic
Jobs, Domestic Energy, and Deficit Reduction Act of 2011. It would unleash
our vast domestic energy potential to create American jobs, help free us
from our reliance on foreign oil and begin to reduce our $14 trillion dollar
national debt. The 3-D Act speeds up the permitting process while ensuring
the responsible development of our abundant domestic resources.

And because energy production is the second-biggest source of revenue to the
federal budget - behind only the personal income tax - passing the 3-D Act
would put us back on a revenue-producing fiscal path. It even helps fund
research for future, alternative sources of energy with revenue made from
ANWR energy production - not your tax dollars.

We can take concrete steps to build a more secure foundation for our economy
-one based on developing our own resources, creating good American jobs and
lowering the deficit. I'm starting in Congress with 3-D: The Domestic
Energy, Domestic Jobs and Deficit Reduction Act of 2011.


Watch an interview on this issue here

Please don't hesitate to contact my office if you have any questions about
the claims process.


David Vitter
United States Senator

P.s. Please visit my website to sign up for E-updates
<http://vitter.senate.gov/?module=contact/eupdate> and receive regular
email updates from me on the issues important to Louisiana families.

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