[StBernard] Infanticide, Post-Birth Abortion; Po-TAY-to, Po-Tah-to.

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Mar 2 08:25:06 EST 2012

The World Gets Newer And Braver Every Day.
Infanticide, Post-Birth Abortion; Po-TAY-to, Po-Tah-to.

Posted by Repair_Man_Jack (Diary)
Thursday, March 1st at 2:00PM EST

Cynical realism is the intelligent man's best excuse for doing nothing in an
intolerable situation.

- Aldous Huxley(Brainyquote.com)

Perhaps someone smarter and better than I should handle this latest moral
outrage of the Secular Anti-Humanists. It deserves opposition greater than
that which I could provide alone. However, if nobody protested maybe the
very stones would cry out.

The United Kingdom once had a great and venerable institution of higher
learning known throughout the entire world as The Oxford University. The
school still exists; the greatness can no longer be attested to without
vigorous moral dispute. They have financed research for an article entitled
"After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?" written by Alberto
Giubilini and Francesca Minerva. The abstract of this despicable work of
Anti-Humanism follows below.

Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to
do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do
not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are
potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in
the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call
'after-birth abortion' (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the
cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.

It seems a team of "ethicists" from Oxford University have at long last
figured out that the differences between a fetus and a newborn center
primarily in where the child is located. This would be good news, except for
one niggling detail. Rather than deciding that this fundamental lack of
divergence should cause the medical profession to understand that abortion
was an act of premeditated homicide and proscribe the practice accordingly;
they rule in the opposite direction. Here's how the syllogisms get laid out.

1. Newborns sure seem an awful lot like fetuses. For example, I've never
heard one quote Chaucer or Dickens.
2. Most of the Western World has legalized abortions and described it as
accepted medical practice.
3. Anyone who takes a three-week old by the feet and smacks its head against
a tree thirty times isn't committing infanticide. It should be classified as
an accepted medical practice. How else do you make the little brats Go The
F*** to Sleep?

We here in America just shouldn't fight it. Who knew that when our
brilliant, clean and articulate, Harvard-educated President voted twice
against The Born Alive Infant Protection Act of 2004 as an Illinois State
Senator, he was merely presaging where Western Philosophy would arrive when
it reached an apex of evolution? We should just invoke cynical realism and
accept that not aborting these children would burden their mothers. Besides,
if you ban abortion anywhere, ever, you have to explain "why abortion
violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths,
including those with no faith at all." (HT: President Barack Obama). And it
would sure suck to violate the principles of people that have no faith at

So recently Cardinal George of The Archdiocese of Chicago realized something
was wrong with the new DHHS policy that mandates that Health Insurance Plans
will hand out birth control and some abortificants free of charge. I hope
that Mr. Van Winkle enjoyed a restful nap. He wrote parishioners in
President Barack Obama's old neighborhood a letter containing the following

What will happen if the HHS regulations are not rescinded? A Catholic
institution, so far as I can see right now, will have one of four choices:
1) secularize itself, breaking its connection to the church, her moral and
social teachings and the oversight of its ministry by the local bishop. This
is a form of theft. It means the church will not be permitted to have an
institutional voice in public life. 2) Pay exorbitant annual fines to avoid
paying for insurance policies that cover abortifacient drugs, artificial
contraception and sterilization. This is not economically sustainable. 3)
Sell the institution to a non-Catholic group or to a local government. 4)
Close down.

Cardinal George mentioned the possibility of just shutting the Catholic
Church's institutions down in two years if this typical and predictable
ObamaCare demand goes into effect. My cynical realism is offended. Cut the
stupid melodrama, Cardinal. Churches exist to dress a guy up in the clown
suit and pass around the collection tray on Sunday. If they actually
counseled or taught a decent, enlightened, or even remotely ethical mode of
human existence they might even offend those people out there who have no
faith at all. It would sure stink to tee off the typical ethicist at Oxford

All told a shutdown of every Catholic healthcare institution in America
would set us back $100Bn in healthcare costs alone. The cynical realist in
me thinks this is totally unfair to impose such a cost over some dippy point
of religious dogma. But then again, if these hospitals are now in the
business of performing "post-birth abortions," are they really in the
business of improving people's health anymore? At some point along the way,
these institutions become so perverted and so utterly adulterated that they
now defeat and profane the noble and uplifting purpose they once were
established to serve. The cynical realist can d*** well lump it if he has to
get his free rubbers somewhere else.

So in conclusion, if the DHHS regulation goes into effect, regardless of
which side we elect in 2012, the Catholic Church has a basic moral duty to
not just stop at shutting a few clinics and schools. Any nation that feels
perfectly content with a leadership that can't tell the difference between
infanticide and post-birth abortion belongs under interdict. But no, the
cynical realist tells me that such radical steps can't be seriously
contemplated. After all; the world just keeps getting newer and braver each
and every day.

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