[StBernard] Summer reading program kicks off at St. Bernard library

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu May 31 19:44:34 EDT 2012

Summer reading program kicks off at St. Bernard library

Published: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 10:14 AM

By Alison Schroeder

Children of all ages are encouraged to dream big this summer at the St.
Bernard Parish Library as it kicks off its annual summer reading program on
Monday. Program coordinator Janet Perez said the library has been busy
planning and preparing activities and events for the next six weeks to
promote summer reading and literacy for everyone in the parish.

"The program is really open to all ages, even adults," Perez said. "We
typically draw the most interest from school-age children, but we encourage
everyone to get involved and come visit the library this summer."

Those interested in enrolling can do so starting on Monday by visiting the
library at 2600 Palmisano Blvd. in Chalmette. Participants will register and
collect this year's activity sheet for keeping track of individual reading
goals and activities over the duration of the program.

Perez said participants will be grouped according to age. The younger
readers, pre-readers through fifth grade, make up one group, sixth- through
12th-grade readers make up the second, and adult readers make up the third.
Also, as an incentive to sign up, Perez said the first 100 participants will
be given a yard sign, labeling them as a "Super Summer Reader" with the St.
Bernard Parish Library.

"We have three age groups, and each activity sheet is geared to the
appropriate level for the reader," Perez said. "The sheets encourage our
readers to complete fun activities that complement literacy."

Activities on the sheets vary from watching a foreign film, which can be
checked out from the library, to bringing a friend to the library or reading
the box as you eat your morning cereal. There is also space on the activity
sheet for participants to keep track of the titles and authors of the books
they have read.

"In the past, we have awarded prizes based on how many books were read, but
this year, anyone who completes and turns in an activity sheet will be
eligible for prizes at the grand finale," Perez said.

Participants in the summer reading program can expect in-house performances
on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, similar to the library's current weekly Tales on
Tuesdays story hour. This year, Perez said the library also boasts an
impressive schedule of outside performers and artists who will entertain
audiences every Friday through July 13. All performances will take place at
2:30 p.m. at the library.

"We are very excited about some of the names on our scheduled events this
year," Perez said. "Many are returning performers who have been with us
before, and are requested year after year."

On Tuesday, June 5 at 1 and 5:30 p.m. and on Wednesday, June 6 at 11:30 a.m.
not so sleepy readers are invited to attend "Yawn," a 45-minute story
program led by Perez that will include stories such as "In a Blue Room" by
Jim Averbeck and "I Am Not Going to Get up Today!" by Dr. Seuss.

The summer's first Fridays with the Arts will take place on June 8 and will
bring Gulf Coast author Timothy Weeks to the library to share his Wise
Mullet stories with library friends of all ages.

During the free 45-minute show, set to begin at 2:30 p.m., Weeks will
project illustrations and enthusiastic audience members will be recruited to
participate in the show. The program also will include interactive cast net
demonstrations with wooden mullets.

Since 2005, Weeks has thrilled more than 150,000 students from Texas to
North Carolina with his Wise Mullet fishing tales. He and his white shrimp
boots have visited countless Louisiana schools and libraries promoting
literacy, environmental awareness as well as the unique heritage of
Louisiana and the Gulf Coast.

Summer readers of all ages are also reminded to visit the library to
register for their Star Studded Activity Sheets. Each registrant will
receive an official summer reading bookmark while supplies last. For more
information, please visit the library's website or call 504-279-0448.

Some of the other artists planning to entertain at the library this summer
include author and children's comedian Charlie Williams, better known as the
Noise Guy; and musician Howard Pink, who will delight audiences with his
ability to make music on anything, including a garden hose.

Perez said the variety of performers and artists coming in this year is
directly related to a $4,000 grant that the library received from the
Louisiana Division of Arts Office of Cultural Development Department of
Culture, Recreation, and Tourism, in cooperation with the Louisiana State
Arts Council and administered by the St. Tammany Commission on Cultural

Another anticipated performance is slated for the program's grand finale and
prize drawing celebration on July 13 at 2:30 p.m. at the library.

"We are excited to have Harvey Rabbit and Friends returning for our end of
program celebration," Perez said. "This show is always quite an event and
has a little bit of everything. It's hysterical and incorporates singing,
dancing, and a lot of laughing."
Following the performance, Perez said winners will be drawn for an
assortment of prizes, which are annually donated by generous community

In order to be eligible for the prizes at the finale, she said readers must
submit their completed activity sheets to the library circulation desk by
closing the night of July 12.

"Anyone who completes and turns in their activity sheet is eligible for the
prize drawings," Perez said. "Readers in the school age groups must be
present to win."

Prizes to be drawn include Audubon Zoo passes, bikes donated by the Kiwanis
Club of St. Bernard-Arabi, swamp tour cruise tickets, passes to the
Chalmette movies, tickets for the Children's Museum and the National World
War II Museum, and gift certificates to Tony's Restaurant in Chalmette.

"We have prizes for all ages as well, so we encourage the adults who
participate to turn in their activity sheets on July 12," Perez said. "We
reserve some prizes just for our adult readers."

In addition to the prize drawings, participants who turn in their activity
sheets will receive coupon vouchers for a McDonald's meal deal and dessert.

"We look forward to seeing many residents at the library this summer," Perez
said. "Everything we do is free, and itÕs fun for the whole family."

For more information, call the library at 504.279.0448 or stop by to sign up
and pick up a full calendar of all upcoming events.

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